System groups - 7.3

Talend Data Catalog Administration Guide

Talend Big Data Platform
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Talend Data Management Platform
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Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform
Talend Data Catalog
Administration and Monitoring
Data Governance
Last publication date


By default, all users are consumer users and are part of this user type.

As a consumer user, you have read access to catalog assets for which you have the appropriate access rights. You can contribute to social curation, customize your own UI layout, create your personal worksheets and dashboards and share them with other users and access the related APIs.

For example, data users, analysts or glossary social curators can be part of this user type.

Producers group

Talend Data Catalog provides a Producers system group. To be a producer, you need to be assigned to this user group.

As a producer user, you have read-write access to all features, except the administrative tasks such as the repository, configuration and security management and the application administration. In addition to having the same rights as a consumer user, you can add and edit catalog assets, such as datasets, glossaries, semantic types or custom attributes, for which you have the appropriate access rights.

For example, data architects, data stewards or glossary editors can be part of this group.

Administration groups

Talend Data Catalog provides administration system groups:
  • Security Administrators: you manage users, user groups, external authentication and security role assignment on catalog assets.
  • Application Administrators: you have all permissions associated with security and data security roles on catalog assets for which you have the appropriate access rights.
  • Administrators: you have all permissions associated with the Security Administrators and Application Administrators groups. You also manage the administration system groups.

The table below describes the actions associated with each system group with the default group preferences:

Actions System groups
Consumers Producers Security Administrators Application Administrators Administrators
Security management
Manage users and groups - - -
Manage user and group preferences - - -
Manage administration groups - - - -
Manage external authentication - - -
Assign security roles on folders and objects - - -
Application administration
Manage operations - - -
Manage system log - - -
View configuration or lineage statistics - - -
Manage scheduled operations - - -
Manage remote harvesting servers - - -
Manage email notifications - - -
Manage custom attributes - - -
Manage semantic types - - -
Manage default worksheets, dashboards and presentations - - -
Manage license - - -
Manage system - - -
Repository management
Access the Repository Manager - -
View the information about a folder or an object from the Repository Manager (such as the import setup and options or the assigned stewards) - -
Edit the information about a folder or an object in the Repository Manager (such as the import setup and options or the assigned stewards or security roles) - - -
Create, delete and move a folder or an object - - -
Create and delete the versions of an object - - -
Edit the information about an object version such as its description - - -
Set or unset an object version as the default version or a read-only version - - -
Add or remove an object version in a configuration - - -
Configuration management
Access the Configuration Manager - -
View the information about a folder or an object from the Configuration Manager (such as the import setup and options or the assigned stewards) - -
Edit the information about a folder or an object in the Configuration Manager (such as the import setup and options or the assigned stewards or security roles) - - -
Add, remove and replace an object in a configuration and edit its connections (source/target) - - -
Build a configuration - - -
Publish a configuration or a version of a configuration - - -
Catalog assets (such as models or glossaries)
Search for an object -
View the information about an object from its details page -
Analyze the data flow or semantic lineage of an object -
Edit the information of an object in its details page such as its description - -
Customize the presentation of an object details page using personal dashboards -
Customize a tab in an object details page using personal worksheets -
Create and share personal collections, dashboards, presentations and worksheets -
Create, share and assign system dashboards, presentations and worksheets - - -
Add and remove labels on an object -
Add, edit and remove your comments -
Add, edit and delete your endorsements and warnings on an object -
Add, edit and delete certifications - (if assigned as steward) -
Add attachment - -
View audit log -
Data profiling and sampling
View data profiling/sampling details - -
Run data profiling/sampling - - -
Hide profiling/sampling data - - -
Glossary workflow
Enable and disable workflow - - -
Assign workflow roles - - -
Semantic mapping and classification
Classify a metadata element (target) with a glossary term (source) or remove a classification - -
Link a metadata element to another using semantic mapping or remove a semantic mapping - -
Call REST API 1 (if enabled in the group preferences) -

1 You need to create a Consumers group and enable the Call REST API permission from the group preferences. For more information, see Setting up the group preferences.

These permissions may vary depending on the assigned group preferences and security roles.