Configuring the Talend Administration Center - 8.0

Talend Data Services Platform Getting Started Guide

Operating system
Data Services Platform
Talend Data Services Platform
Talend Administration Center
Talend ESB
Talend Installer
Talend Runtime
Talend Studio
Data Quality and Preparation > Cleansing data
Data Quality and Preparation > Profiling data
Design and Development
Installation and Upgrade
Last publication date

Before you begin

To perform the configurations mentioned below in this section, you need to log in as a user with an Administrator or Operation manager role. So, if you are logged in as Security Administrator with the account, log out and log in again with the user you created in Setting up your first user and project. For more information about the user roles and rights in Talend Administration Center, see Managing ESB Resources and authorizations.


  1. Click the Configuration link in the left-hand menu to finish configuring the Talend Administration Center.

    Most of the warnings displaying are due to the fact that you did not start all the modules of the product yet. For example:

    • Commandline/secondary will turn green only if you decide to use and start a secondary commandline, which will not be the case in the following demo use cases.

    • ESB Service Locator and SAM should be green if you started the Talend Runtime and its Infrastructure Services.

    • ESB Identity and Access Management will turn green only if you install and start the Talend Identity Management Service, which will not be the case in the following demo use cases.

    • ESB Service Registry should be green if you started the Talend Runtime and its Infrastructure Services.

    • Software Update will turn green if you start the dedicated Talend Artifact Repository, which will not be the case in the following demo use cases.

    • The Commandline/primary section should be green if you installed Talend Administration Center using the Talend Installer.

  2. For the Artifact Repository section of the Talend Administration Center Configuration page, simply start the Talend Artifact Repository.

    The Talend Artifact Repository is provided with the Talend Administration Center. So, if you installed the product via the Talend Installer, you will find it in the tac folder of your installation, in an Artifact-Repository-Nexus-VA.B.C.D.E subfolder. If you installed the product manually, the Talend Artifact Repository will be available in the Talend Administration Center package as well (Talend-AdministrationCenter-rXXXXXX-VA.B.C).

  3. From the Artifact-Repository-Nexus-VA.B.C.D.E/<ApplicationFolder>/bin directory, launch the Talend Artifact Repository instance using the following command:
    • ./nexus run (Linux)
    • nexus.exe /run (Windows)

    It will now be running on http://localhost:8081. Replace localhost and 8081 with the IP address and the port of the server on which you installed the Talend Artifact Repository. You can log in with the default login and password: admin/Talend123

  4. Configure the Logging parameters by filling in the path to technical and business log files.

    The Logstash host and port parameter will get green when you will start the Talend LogServer, by executing start_logserver.bat (Windows) or (Linux), which will not be the case in the following demo use cases.

  5. Configure the Git parameters by filling in the connection information to your Git.