Configuring Talend Administration Center - 7.3

Talend Administration Center User Guide

Talend Big Data
Talend Big Data Platform
Talend Data Fabric
Talend Data Integration
Talend Data Management Platform
Talend Data Services Platform
Talend ESB
Talend MDM Platform
Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform
Talend Administration Center
Administration and Monitoring
Last publication date
Note: Only users that have the Administrator or Operation Manager role and rights can have the read-write access to this page. Other users, depending on their roles, can have either the read-only access or no access to this page. For further information on access rights, see User roles/rights in the Administration Center. When a user of the Administration Center opens this page, he/she will have access only to the items for which the user has been granted the appropriate authorization by the Administrator.

From Talend Administration Center home page, you can access the Configuration page that offers accurate details on application parameters and their related values including database connection. The items displayed in this page depend on your license. Thus, some of the sections below may refer to modules that are not available in your Talend Administration Center application.

To find out if you have access to the different modules described in the sections below, please refer to What modules and features are available depending on your license.