Getting Started with Talend Cloud APIs - Cloud

Talend Cloud APIs User Guide

Talend Cloud
Talend API Designer
Talend API Tester
Talend Data Preparation
Talend Data Stewardship
Talend Management Console
Design and Development > Designing APIs
Design and Development > Testing APIs
Last publication date

For this use case, you want to get all available Remote Engines with Talend Management Console REST API. You are using Talend Cloud API Tester.

Note: Make sure you have the appropriate rights set in Talend Management Console to perform the tasks you want.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that Talend Cloud API Tester Chrome extension is installed on your browser.
  • Make sure you have the appropriate rights to access Remote Engines.
    • For users, assign the pre-defined Infrastructure Administrator role or grant the TMC_CLUSTER_MANAGEMENT permission.
    • For service accounts, grant the TMC_CLUSTER_MANAGEMENT permission.
  • Generate access tokens:

About this task

In this section, the following API call is issued:
method: GET
endpoint: https://api.<env>
headers: {
 "Content-Type": "application/json",
 "Authorization": "Bearer <access_token>"
Your environment could be:
  • eu
  • us
  • us-west
  • ap
  • au

It is implemented in Talend API Tester for demonstration purposes.


  1. Open Talend Cloud API Tester.
  2. Select the GET method and add the endpoint to be used.
    Note: If you want to manually add a query parameter in the URL, the character ? separates the API endpoint from the first query parameter and the character & then separates each query parameter.
  3. Click Add header.
  4. Enter Authorization and Bearer <access token> in the fields that are displayed.
    Authorization field with a personal access token.
  5. Click Send.


The response 200 informs you that the request was successful. You can now see the list of all available Remote Engines.