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JMX configuration for Camel routes

Apache Camel has support for JMX and allows you to monitor a Camel managed object (for example, routes). By default, a JMX agent is enabled in Camel which means that the Camel runtime creates and registers MBean management objects with a MBeanServer instance in the VM. But if you would like to configure a JMX agent (for example to use a custom port in JMX URL) the best way to do it is adding a jmxAgent element inside the camelContext element in Spring configuration:

<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
    <jmxAgent id="agent" mbeanObjectDomainName="">

The default JMX configuration is used in both examples, but you can also configure it:

<jmxAgent id="agent" registryPort="port number" createConnector="true">

createConnector means that we should create a JMX connector (to allow remote management) for the MBeanServer.registryPort is the port for JMX.

You can set hostName and domainName for DefaultManagementNamingStrategy. As a default, hostName is the computer name and domainName is org.apache.camel

<bean id="naming" 
    <property name="hostName" value="localhost"/>
    <property name="domainName" value="org.apache.camel">

To configure specific definitions for the Camel route object use the properties:

Property Name Description


domain name


Camel routes type


Camel context name


route name

You can find further information about configuring Camel JMX agent at the "Camel" site

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