Database privileges for Talend DQ Portal - 7.3

Talend Installation Guide

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Talend DQ Portal is deprecated from Talend 7.1 onwards.

When you use Talend Installer to install Talend DQ Portal, you can select a specific database to store analysis results. To enable users to write analysis results to any of the supported databases, you must grant them certain system privileges.

For further information about supported databases, see Compatible databases.


If you select to use the MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL server database to store the analysis results, the database is created automatically by Talend Installer. However, when you select to use the Oracle database you must create the database and the schema before installing Talend DQ Portal via Talend Installer.

When defining the database to store analysis results, you must:

  • make sure that users of Talend DQ Portal are granted the right privileges on different databases
  • make sure, for the PostgreSQL database, to add the IP of the computer which will install Talend DQ Portal on the PostgreSQL server

Privileges for MySQL

The user you define when you configure the report datamart connection must have certain privileges. Use GRANT commands to give at least the following system privileges:

  • Select
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Create
  • Drop
  • Index
  • Alter
  • Create View

Example of SQL statement:

GRANT <privilege> ON`<database_name>`.* TO

Privileges for Oracle

The user you define when you configure the report datamart connection must have either the DBA role, or the CONNECT and RESOURCE roles. Use grant commands to give the user system privileges as the following:

The privileges required when creating a datamart within the user's own schema are:

  • create sequence
  • create session
  • create alter session
  • create table
  • create view

Example of SQL statement:

GRANT create session to <user>

The privileges required when creating a datamart within a schema which is not owned by the current user are:

  • alter any table
  • comment any table
  • create any index
  • create any sequence
  • create any table
  • create any view
  • create session
  • insert any table
  • select any sequence
  • select any table
  • update any table

Example of SQL statement:

GRANT alter any table to <user_name>