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Configuring tSqoopMerge



  1. Double-click tSqoopMerge to open its Component view.
  2. In the Mode area, select Use Java API.
  3. In the Version area, select the Hadoop distribution to be used and its version. If you cannot find from the list the distribution corresponding to yours, select Custom so as to connect to a Hadoop distribution not officially supported in the Studio.
    For a step-by-step example about how to use this Custom option, see Connecting to a custom Hadoop distribution.
  4. In the NameNode URI field, enter the location of the master node, the NameNode, of the distribution to be used. For example, hdfs://talend-cdh4-namenode:8020. If you are using WebHDFS, the location should be webhdfs://masternode:portnumber; WebHDFS with SSL is not supported yet.
  5. In the Resource Manager field, enter the location of the ResourceManager of your distribution.
  6. If the distribution to be used requires Kerberos authentication, select the Use Kerberos authentication check box and complete the authentication details. Otherwise, leave this check box clear.

    If you need to use a Kerberos keytab file to log in, select Use a keytab to authenticate. A keytab file contains pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys. You need to enter the principal to be used in the Principal field and the access path to the keytab file itself in the Keytab field. This keytab file must be stored in the machine in which your Job actually runs, for example, on a Talend Jobserver.

    Note that the user that executes a keytab-enabled Job is not necessarily the one a principal designates but must have the right to read the keytab file being used. For example, the username you are using to execute a Job is user1 and the principal to be used is guest; in this situation, ensure that user1 has the right to read the keytab file to be used.

  7. In the Old data directory and the New data directory fields, enter the path, or browse to the directory in HDFS where the older and the newer datasets are stored, respectively.
  8. In the Target directory field, enter the path, or browse to the folder you need to store the merge result in.
  9. In the Merge key field, enter the column to be used as the key for the merge. In this scenario, the column is id.
  10. Select Need to generate the JAR file to display the connection parameters to the source database table.
  11. In the Connection field, enter the URI of the MySQL database where the source table is stored. For example, jdbc:mysql://
  12. In the Table Name field, enter the name of the source table. In this scenario, it is sqoopmerge.
  13. In Username and Password, enter the authentication information.
  14. Under the Driver JAR table, click the [+] button to add one row, then in this row, click the [...] button to display the drop-down list and select the jar file to be used from that list. In this scenario, it is mysql-connector-java-5.1.30-bin.jar.
    If the [...] button does not appear, click anywhere in this row to make it displayed.
  15. If the field delimiter of the source table is not comma (,), you still need to specify the delimiter in the Additional Arguments table in the Advanced settings tab. The argument to be used is codegen.output.delimiters.field for the Use Java API mode or --fields-terminated-by for the Use Commandline mode.

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