Creating a SoapUI project - 8.0

Data Service and Routing Examples

Talend Data Fabric
Talend Data Services Platform
Talend ESB
Talend MDM Platform
Talend Open Studio for ESB
Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform
Talend Studio
Design and Development > Designing Routes
Design and Development > Designing Services
Last publication date

From the Projects node of the soapUI Navigator, you are able to create SoapUI projects that allow you to execute SoapUI testing.

In this scenario, you will create a SoapUI project and add the WSDL file that has been used in the previous sections to the project to access the given Web service.


  1. In the soapUI Navigator, which is the tree structure at the left in the SoapUI GUI, right-click the Projects node and select New soapUI Project.
    soapUI Navigator interface.
  2. The New soapUI project wizard opens. Enter a project name in the Name field, for example, airport in this use case. In the Initial WSDL/WADL field, click Browse to navigate to the existing WSDL file airport_0.1.wsdl. Keep the default settings of the other options and click OK.
    New soapUI project wizard.
  3. The new project appears in the navigator and the WSDL is added to it. A sample request Request1 is created for the getAirportInformationByISOCountryCode operation.
    soapUI Navigator interface with the new project.
  4. Double-click Request1 to open the code editor to the right of the navigator. The URL of the Web service is shown in the address bar and the sample request Request1 is shown in the Request panel. The ? indicates that an input parameter air:CountryAbbrviation is needed for this operation. The Response panel is empty.
    Code editor of Request1.
  5. Replace ? with CN as the input in the Request panel and click the Execute request icon to submit the request to the specified endpoint URL.
    Code editor of Request1.
  6. The response of the submitted request is shown in the Response panel.
    Response in the code editor of Request1.


As we have configured in the data service provider Job, Beijing Capital and Shanghai Hongqiao are the airport names corresponding to the country code CN. So here we have got the expected response, which means the Web service can be implemented successfully.