JAXB versus JAX-WS (or other front-ends) - 8.0

Talend ESB Service Developer Guide

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There are some pitfalls in the interaction between the front end and the data binding. If you need detailed control over the XML that travels on the wire, you may want to avoid the 'wrapped' alternative, and stick with 'bare'.

When you use the wrapped parameter style or the RPC binding, the front ends construct more or less elaborate XML representations for your operations. You have less control over those constructs than you do over JAXB's mappings. In particular, developers with detailed requirements to control the XML Schema 'elementFormDefault' or the use or non-use of XML namespace prefixes often become frustrated because the JAXB annotations for these options don't effect mappings that are purely the work of the front-end. The safest course is to use Document/Literal/Bare.