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Installing Talend Identity and Access Management


  1. Copy and extract the archive file in the directory of your choice.
  2. Go to iam-A.B.C/apache-tomcat-x.x.xx/bin.
  3. Add the execution rights to the executable files by typing chmod 755 *.sh.
  4. Start Talend Identity and Access Management by executing the file.


Now that Talend Identity and Access Management is installed, it is strongly recommended not to use the default Apache Syncope user account to access the application for security reasons. You can change the default credentials of this account (admin/password) by editing the adminPassword parameter in the iam-A.B.C/apache-tomcat-x.x.xx/webapps/syncope/WEB-INF/classes/ file. For more information, see Apache Syncope documentation.

You can access the Talend Identity and Access Management Apache Syncope Console with the following URL: http://localhost:9080/syncope-console/.

Information noteTip: You cannot log into Talend Data Preparation using port 9080, this port is used for Syncope. To log into Talend Data Preparation using Talend Identity and Access Management, use port 9999.

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