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Storing your configuration files in Jenkins

Before you begin

Download and extract these files:


  1. In Jenkins, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Managed files.
  2. Click Add a new config and select Maven settings to add the Maven configuration file.
  3. Give it a name and an ID, maven_settings. This ID will later be used in the Jenkins Creating the Jenkins pipeline.
  4. In the Content editor, paste the content of the maven_settings.xml file you have previously downloaded.
    • The default Nexus artifactory URL defined in the file (line 40) is localhost:8080. Updated the value according to your environment.
    • For Big Data users with dynamic distributions only: add the following server and repository to the configuration file in order to define the Nexus local repository as proxy, ensuring faster .jar file downloading:


      For this configuration to be complete, you need to have previously added the Talend proxy in the Talend Studio Project settings > General > Dynamic Distribution Settings menu.

      For more information, see Adding the latest Big Data Platform dynamically.

  5. Click Submit.
  6. Click Add a new config and select Groovy to add the Jenkins helper configuration file.
  7. Give it a name and an ID, jenkins_talend_helper. This ID will later be used in the Jenkins Creating the Jenkins pipeline.
  8. In the Content editor, paste the content of the Groovy file and click Submit.
  9. Click Add a new config and select Custom to add your Talend license file.
  10. Give it a name and an ID, license. This ID will later be used in the Jenkins Creating the Jenkins pipeline.
  11. In the Content editor, paste the content of the license file and click Submit.


These files contain the connection information to your artifact repositories, the definition of the pipeline steps as well as the license information. These files will be are referenced in the configuration of your Jenkins pipeline.

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