Error handling with connections - Cloud - 8.0

Talend Studio User Guide

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This section explains how to use connections to design error handling.

Trigger connections are the connections that are triggered based on certain conditions. In this example, the conditions are that a component or subJob is either completed successfully or has errors. The connection in use creates a dependency between Jobs or subJobs, which are triggered one after the other according to the nature of the trigger. It is important to note that no data is handled through these conditions.

SubJob triggers

OnSubjobOk is used to trigger the next subJob on the condition that the main subJob completed without error. This connection is to be used only from the start component of the Job.

These connections are used to orchestrate the subJobs forming the Job or to easily troubleshoot and handle unexpected errors.

OnSubjobError is used to trigger the next subJob in case the first subJob does not complete correctly. This subJob helps flagging the bottleneck or handling the error if possible.

Component triggers

OnComponentOk and OnComponentError are component triggers. They can be used with any source component in the subJob.

OnComponentOk only triggers the target component once the execution of the source component is completed without error. Its main use could be to trigger a notification subJob, for example.

OnComponentError triggers the subJob or component as soon as an error is encountered in the primary Job.

Run if triggers

Run if triggers a subJob or component in case the condition defined is met.

Trigger connection example

Sample Job in the design workspace.
This example shows the functionality of the triggers.
  • When OnSubjobOk is used, the next component gets triggered only when the subJob is completed.
  • When OnComponentOk is used, the next step is triggered as soon as the component execution is complete.