Creating a POST operation to submit a new loan application - Cloud

Talend Cloud API Designer Getting Started Guide

Talend Cloud
Talend API Designer
Design and Development > Designing APIs
Last publication date

Create an operation that accepts a JSON request body containing a loan application and returns an ID.


  1. Click the + button in the left panel and click Operation.
  2. Enter the following information in the GENERAL section:
    Field Value
    Name Submit a loan application
    Method POST
    Path /applications
    Description Create and submit a new loan application.
  3. Scroll down to the REQUEST section and click Add next to BODY.
  4. Under TYPE, click object to show the data types available, and select Application.
  5. Scroll down to the RESPONSES section and click Add.
  6. Select 201 - Created in the Status code field.
  7. Click Add next to BODY to specify the content of the response to send.
  8. Click Add property under TYPE.
  9. Enter loanId in the Name field and toggle the Required button to Yes.
    Definition of the 201 status response.
  10. Click Use a component next to RESPONSES.
  11. Select 4XX - Default in the Status code field and select Error in the Name field, then click OK.
  12. Click Save.