Generating a Personal Access Token - Cloud

Talend Management Console User Guide

Talend Cloud
Talend Management Console
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Last publication date
Use Personal Access Tokens to authenticate to Talend Cloud APIs or to connect Talend Studio to Talend Cloud.

About this task

Access Tokens are personal and the permissions they grant are synchronized with the user's permissions, at any time. When you generate a token, it is only displayed once.

You can have up to five active tokens at the same time. It is a best practice to keep as few active tokens as possible. Delete unused tokens and replace old tokens to increase the system security.


  1. Log in to the Talend Cloud portal or an application.
  2. In the top-right corner, click your username.
  3. Click Profile preferences > Personal access tokens > Add token.
    A new page opens. You can see all the permissions and roles associated to the token.
  4. Enter the Token name.
  5. Click Generate.
    A Bearer Token is generated and opens in a new window that is displayed only once. If you close it without copying the token, you will not be able to use this token.
  6. Copy the token and paste it where you need.


From the Personal access tokens page, you can check each token creation date and last use.
If you use access tokens to call Talend Cloud APIs, make sure you include the Bearer type in front of the token value. For example:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_token>"<your_endpoint>

The permissions of the generated token correspond to your current permissions. If your permissions change after generating the token, the token permissions change accordingly.

After generating a token, you can only edit its name or delete it. Security Administrators can also see and delete your tokens. Refer to Managing personal access tokens for all users.