メイン コンテンツをスキップする 補完的コンテンツへスキップ

Talend CommandLine API

Talend CommandLineアプリケーションに-helpコマンドを入力場合に取得する、すべてのコマンド用の完全なヘルプ。

Talend CommandLineの最新バージョンを使っていない場合は、以下の一部のコマンドが使用できないことがあり、現在のTalend CommandLineバージョンのhelpコマンドを参照することをお勧めします。

[Commands] (コマンド)

|Talend CommandLine Plugin :                                                                       |
| * arguments can be surrounded by (") or (') characters                                           |
| * the semi-colon (;) character can be used to separate commands from each other                  |
| * special characters (space \ " ' ;) can be escaped using the character (\)                      |
|Usage:                                                                                            |
| [addReference -ref <references> bridgeExcelExport -d <directory>|-filter <filter>                |
|buildItemSources <item-id> -im <main-job-only>|-iv <item-version> buildJob <jobName> -af          |
|<filename>|-ant|-az|-bin|-bt <build type>|-dd <path>|-em|-eo|-et|-ic|-ijs|-il|-its|-jactc|-jall   |
|<log4j level name>|-jc <context name>|-jstats|-jt <type>|-jv <version>|-maven|-od|-tc buildRoute  |
|<routeName> -af <filename>|-az|-bt <build type>|-dd <path>|-em|-jactc|-jc <context                |
|name>|-jstats|-jv <version>|-maven|-od cancelGroup changeMavenVersion <maven-version> -if         |
|<filterExpr>|-sj|-ss changeStatus <newStatusCode> -d|-if <filterExpr> changeVersion <newVersion   |
|(x.x | nextMajor | nextMinor)> -d|-flv|-if <filterExpr> checkAndUpdate -tu <user>|-tup <password> |
|createJob <jobName> -o|-sf <file path> createProject -pa <author login>|-pap <password>|-pd       |
|<description>|-pl <language (java/perl)>|-pn <technical name> createTask <taskName> -a|-asce|-b   |
|<branch name>|-d <description>|-ese|-esn <execution server>|-jactc|-jc <job context>|-jn <job     |
|name>|-jv <job version>|-ouj <on unavailable jobserver>|-ousj <unknown state job>|-pn <project    |
|name>|-rjc deleteItems -if <filterExpr> deleteReference -ref <references> deployJobToServer       |
|<jobName> -es <name>|-jactc|-jall <level>|-jc <context name>|-jv <version>|-pd <password>|-sp     |
|<port>|-tp <port>|-un <username>|-useSSL detectCVE -ci <cve-index-file>|-from <from-version>|-inf |
|<include-not-fixed>|-rf <report-file>|-to <to-version> executeAllJob -i <path>|-if                |
|<filterExpr>|-jactc|-jc <context name>|-jcp <key=value1> [<key=value2> ...]|-jrdd <path>|-jt      |
|<time (in sec)> executeJob <jobName> -i <path>|-jactc|-jc <context name>|-jcp <key=value1>        |
|[<key=value2> ...]|-jrdd <path>|-jt <time (in sec)>|-jv <version> executeJobOnServer <jobName>    |
|-es <name>|-jactc|-jall <level>|-jc <context name>|-jcp <key=value1> [<key=value2> ...]|-jrrd     |
|<jobResultDestDir>|-jsp <port>|-jtp <port>|-jv <version>|-pd <password>|-ra <runas>|-un           |
|<username>|-useSSL executeReport -n <name>|-p <path>|-pc <context name> executeRoute <routeName>  |
|-i <path>|-jactc|-jc <context name>|-jcp <context param1> [<context param2> ...]|-jrdd <path>|-jt |
|<time out>|-jv <version1> [<version2> ...] exportAllJob -dd <path>|-if <filterExpr>|-jactc|-jall  |
|<log4j level name>|-jc <context name> exportAsCWM <dbConnectionName> -dd <path> exportItems       |
|<destination (dir|.zip)> -d|-if <filterExpr> exportJob <jobName> -af <filename>|-ant|-dd          |
|<path>|-eo|-jactc|-jall <log4j level name>|-jc <context name>|-jstats|-jv <version>|-maven        |
|exportRoute <routeName> -af <filename>|-az|-bt <build type>|-dd <path>|-em|-jactc|-jc <context    |
|name>|-jstats|-jv <version>|-maven|-od exportService <serviceName> -af <filename>|-dd             |
|<path>|-maven|-sv <version> generateAuditReport <auditId> -fp <filePath>|-t <template>            |
|generateMigrationReport -dp <dataPath (dir)>|-from <from_version>|-ps <projects>|-rp <reportPath  |
|(dir)>|-to <to_version1> [<to_version2> ...] getCommandStatus <commandId> -ci <index> help        |
|<commandName> helpFilter importDatabaseMetadata <filePath> importDelimitedMetadata <filePath>     |
|importItems <source (dir|.zip)> -if <filterExpr>|-im|-o|-s|-sl initLocal initRemote <adminUrl>    |
|-p64|-ul <login>|-up <password> listCloudWorkspaces -n <name>|-p <password>|-r <url>|-u           |
|<username> listCommand -a|-q|-r listExecutionServer listItem -if <filterExpr>|-m listJob          |
|listProject -b listRoute listService logoffProject logonProject -br <branch>|-gt|-pn <technical   |
|name>|-ro|-ul <login>|-up <password> mCreateServer <serverName> -pd <password>|-u <url>|-un       |
|<username> mDeployItem -on <object name>|-ot <object type>|-ov <object version>|-sn <server       |
|name>|-sp <server password> mDeployJob <jobName1> [<jobName2> ...] -c <object name>|-ov <object   | |version>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password> mExportDataContainer -dn <data container         |
|name>|-path <zip file path>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password> mImportDataContainer -d|-path |
|<zip file path>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password> mListServer mUnDeployItem -on <object     | |name>|-ot <object type>|-sn <server name>|-sp <server password> mUpdateServer -sn <server         |
|name>|-sp <server password> migrationCheck -dp <dataPath (dir)> populateAndGenerateReport -dd     |
|<driver>|-du <user>|-fp <filePath>|-ju <jdbc_url>|-t <template>|-up <password> populateAudit -dd  |
|<driver>|-du <user>|-ju <jdbc_url>|-up <password> publishAction <actionName> -i|-na|-p            |
|<password>|-r <url>|-u <username>|-v <version>|-w <workspace> publishJob <jobName> -a             |
|<artifactId>|-g <group>|-jactc|-jc <contextName>|-p <password>|-pv <version>|-r <url>|-rt         |
|<repository-type>|-s|-t <exportType>|-u <username>|-v <version> publishRoute <routeName> -a       |
|<artifactId>|-g <group>|-p <password>|-pv <version>|-r <url>|-rt <repository-type>|-s|-u          |
|<username>|-v <version> publishService <serviceName> -a <artifactId>|-g <group>|-p <password>|-pv |
|<version>|-r <url>|-rt <repository-type>|-s|-u <username>|-v <version> quit regenerateAllPoms -if |
|<filterExpr>|-wd setUserComponentPath -c|-up <path> showVersion startGroup -o <infor> stopGroup]  |
|  addReference                                                      Create project reference      |
|      -ref (--references) references                                projectName/branches(tags)/bra|
|                                                                    nchName(tagName), '|' as      |
|                                                                    separator if add many         |
|                                                                    projects                      |
|  bridgeExcelExport                                                 Massive export of Job         |
|                                                                    metadata for Third Party      |
|      -d (--directory) directory                                    export target directory       |
|      -filter (--filter) filter                                     job filter                    |
|  buildItemSources item-id                                          Build the source code of one  |
|                                                                    job or route from it's        |
|                                                                    internal id                   |
|      -im (--main-job-only) main-job-only                           Flag controls whether to      |
|                                                                    build main job only           |
|      -iv (--item-version) item-version                             Version of the item needed    |
|  buildJob jobName                                                  buildJob in commandline       |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -ant (--add-ant-script)                                       export job with ant build     |
|                                                                    script(deprecated)            |
|      -az (--export-as-zip)                                         export microservice as zip    |
|      -bin (--binaries)                                             export binaries when building |
|                                                                    job with maven(deprecated)    |
|      -bt (--build-type) build type                                 select job build type (Job by |
|                                                                    default)                      |
|                                                                    argument:Job|Microservice     |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -em (--enable-prometheus-metrics-endpoint)                    enable Prometheus metrics     |
|                                                                    endpoint                      |
|      -eo (--export-osgi)                                           export job to osgi system     |
|      -et (--execute-tests)                                         execute tests when building   |
|                                                                    job with maven                |
|      -ic (--include-context)                                       include context when building |
|                                                                    job with maven(deprecated)    |
|      -ijs (--include-java-source)                                  include java source codes     |
|                                                                    when building job with maven  |
|      -il (--include-libs)                                          include libs when building    |
|                                                                    job with maven(deprecated)    |
|      -its (--include-test-source)                                  include test source codes     |
|                                                                    when building job with        |
|                                                                    maven(deprecated)             |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-add-log4j-level) log4j level name                generate with the log4j       |
|                                                                    levels                        |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions(deprecated)      |
|      -jt (--job-type) type                                         export the type of job        |
|                                                                    (PROCESS by default)          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script(deprecated)            |
|      -od (--export-only-default-context)                           microservice only export the  |
|                                                                    default context               |
|      -tc (--add-test-containers)                                   export job with test          |
|                                                                    cases(deprecated)             |
|  buildRoute routeName                                              build routes                  |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -az (--export-as-zip)                                         export microservice as zip    |
|      -bt (--build-type) build type                                 select job build type         |
|                                                                    (Runtime by default)          |
|                                                                    argument:Runtime|Microservice |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -em (--enable-prometheus-metrics-endpoint)                    enable Prometheus metrics     |
|                                                                    endpoint                      |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions                  |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script                        |
|      -od (--export-only-default-context)                           microservice only export the  |
|                                                                    default context               |
|  cancelGroup                                                       cancel command group          |
|  changeMavenVersion maven-version                                  Change Maven version of jobs  |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -sj (--subjobs)                                               Include all sub jobs          |
|      -ss (--snapshot)                                              Use Snapshot                  |
|  changeStatus newStatusCode                                        changes items status          |
|                                                                    Note: If you use the "-d" arg |
|                                                                    with the item filter          |
|                                                                    together, we will do the      |
|                                                                    filter first and then get the |
|                                                                    dependences of the filter     |
|                                                                    items, finally change all of  |
|                                                                    them.                         |
|      -d (--dependencies)                                           update the dependencies       |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  changeVersion newVersion (x.x | nextMajor | nextMinor)            changes items version         |
|                                                                    Note: If you use the "-d" arg |
|                                                                    with the item filter          |
|                                                                    together, we will do the      |
|                                                                    filter first and then get the |
|                                                                    dependences of the filter     |
|                                                                    items, finally change all of  |
|                                                                    them.                         |
|      -d (--dependencies)                                           update the dependencies       |
|      -flv (--fix-latest-version)                                   fixing latest version         |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  checkAndUpdate                                                    update from archiva server    |
|                                                                    which returnd by a specific   |
|                                                                    TAC                           |
|      -tu (--tac-user-name) user                                    name of a tac user            |
|      -tup (--tac-user-password) password                           password of a tac user        |
|  createJob jobName                                                 create job from script file   |
|      -o (--over_write)                                             to overwrite if job existed   |
|      -sf (--script_file) file path                                 job of script file            |
|  createProject                                                     creates a project             |
|      -pa (--project-author) author login                           project author (email)        |
|      -pap (--project-author-password) password                     password of author            |
|      -pd (--project-description) description                       project description           |
|      -pl (--project-language) language (java/perl)                 project language              |
|      -pn (--project-name) technical name                           project name                  |
|  createTask taskName                                                                             |
|      -a (--active)                                                 active                        |
|      -asce (--add-statistics-code-enable)                          enabled statistics code       |
|      -b (--project-branch) branch name                             project branch                |
|      -d (--description) description                                project description           |
|      -ese (--execStatisticsEnabled)                                statistic enable              |
|      -esn (--excution-server) execution server                     execution server              |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) job context                               job-context                   |
|      -jn (--job-name) job name                                     job name                      |
|      -jv (--job-version) job version                               job-version                   |
|      -ouj (--on-unavailable-jobserver) on unavailable jobserver                                  |
|      -ousj (--on-unknown-state-job) unknown state job              provide the unknown state job |
|      -pn (--project-name) project name                             project name                  |
|      -rjc (--regenerate-job-on-change)                             regenerate job on change      |
|  deleteItems                                                       delete items                  |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  deleteReference                                                   Delete project reference      |
|      -ref (--references) references                                projectName, '|' as separator |
|                                                                    if add many projects          |
|  deployJobToServer jobName                                         Deploy job to server          |
|      -es (--execution-server) name                                 execution [virtual] server    |
|                                                                    name                          |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-log4j-level) level                               log4j level                   |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -pd (--jobserver-password) password                           jobserver password            |
|      -sp (--statistics-port) port                                  statistics port               |
|      -tp (--trace-port) port                                       trace port                    |
|      -un (--jobserver-username) username                           jobserver username            |
|      -useSSL (--use-ssl-option)                                    use ssl Protocol or not       |
|  detectCVE                                                         Detect jobs impacted by CVEs  |
|      -ci (--cve-index-file) cve-index-file                         CVE index file(.csv format)   |
|      -from (--from-version) from-version                           From version(monthly patch    |
|                                                                    version), for example:        |
|                                                                    R2022-01                      |
|      -inf (--include-not-fixed) include-not-fixed                  Include not fixed CVE in      |
|                                                                    report or not                 |
|      -rf (--report-file) report-file                               Report file path              |
|      -to (--to-version) to-version                                 To version(monthly patch      |
|                                                                    version), for example:        |
|                                                                    R2022-01                      |
|  executeAllJob                                                     executes all                  |
|      -i (--interpreter) path                                       perl/java interpreter path    |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-param) key=value [key=value ...]          provides a job context param  |
|      -jrdd (--job-result-destination-dir) path                     job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jt (--job-timeout) time (in sec)                             timeout of execution          |
|  executeJob jobName                                                executes                      |
|      -i (--interpreter) path                                       perl/java interpreter path    |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-param) key=value [key=value ...]          provides a job context param  |
|      -jrdd (--job-result-destination-dir) path                     job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jt (--job-timeout) time (in sec)                             timeout of execution          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|  executeJobOnServer jobName                                        executes on server            |
|      -es (--execution-server) name                                 execution [virtual] server    |
|                                                                    name                          |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-log4j-level) level                               log4j level                   |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-param) key=value [key=value ...]          provides a job context param  |
|      -jrrd (--job-result-destination-dir) jobResultDestDir         job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jsp (--job-statistics-port) port                             setup the statistics port     |
|      -jtp (--job-trace-port) port                                  setup the trace port          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -pd (--jobserver-password) password                           jobserver password            |
|      -ra (--run-as-user) runas                                     run as user                   |
|      -un (--jobserver-username) username                           jobserver username            |
|      -useSSL (--use-ssl-option)                                    use ssl Protocol or not       |
|  executeReport                                                     Execute reports               |
|      -n (--name) name                                              Report names                  |
|      -p (--path) path                                              Report file pathes (relative  |
|                                                                    path, e.g. /Project/TDQ_Data  |
|                                                                    Profiling/Reports/File).      |
|      -pc (--report-context) context name                           chooses a report context      |
|  executeRoute routeName                                            executeRoute                  |
|      -i (--interpreter) path                                       perl/java interpreter path    |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jcp (--job-context-para) context param [context param ...]   provides a job context param  |
|      -jrdd (--job-result-destination-dir) path                     job execution result          |
|                                                                    destination dir               |
|      -jt (--job-timeout) time out                                  timeout of execution          |
|      -jv (--job-version) version [version ...]                     chooses a job version         |
|  exportAllJob                                                      exports all                   |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-add-log4j-level) log4j level name                generate with the log4j       |
|                                                                    levels                        |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|  exportAsCWM dbConnectionName                                      export a db metadata as CWM   |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|  exportItems destination (dir|.zip)                                exports items                 |
|      -d (--dependencies)                                           include dependencies          |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|  exportJob jobName                                                 exportJob in commandline      |
|                                                                    (deprecated)                  |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -ant (--add-ant-script)                                       export job with ant build     |
|                                                                    script                        |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -eo (--export-osgi)                                           export job to osgi system     |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jall (--job-add-log4j-level) log4j level name                generate with the log4j       |
|                                                                    levels                        |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions                  |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script                        |
|  exportRoute routeName                                             export routes (deprecated)    |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -az (--export-as-zip)                                         export microservice as zip    |
|      -bt (--build-type) build type                                 select job build type         |
|                                                                    (Runtime by default)          |
|                                                                    argument:Runtime|Microservice |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -em (--enable-prometheus-metrics-endpoint)                    enable Prometheus metrics     |
|                                                                    endpoint                      |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      apply context to children     |
|      -jc (--job-context) context name                              chooses a job context         |
|      -jstats (--job-add-statistics-code)                           generate with the statistics  |
|                                                                    instructions                  |
|      -jv (--job-version) version                                   chooses a job version         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export job with maven build   |
|                                                                    script                        |
|      -od (--export-only-default-context)                           microservice only export the  |
|                                                                    default context               |
|  exportService serviceName                                         export service                |
|      -af (--archive-filename) filename                             archive filename without      |
|                                                                    extension                     |
|      -dd (--destination-directory) path                            destination directory         |
|      -maven (--add-maven-script)                                   export service with maven     |
|                                                                    build script                  |
|      -sv (--service-version) version                               chooses a service version     |
|  generateAuditReport auditId                                       Generate the audit report     |
|      -fp (--filePath) filePath                                     filePath                      |
|      -t (--template) template                                      Template of Audit             |
|  generateMigrationReport                                           Generate migration check      |
|                                                                    report for upgrade safe       |
|                                                                    guarding                      |
|      -dp (--data-path) dataPath (dir)                              a valid dir to load migration |
|                                                                    check data                    |
|      -from (--from-version) from_version                           migration check report source |
|                                                                    product version               |
|      -ps (--projects) projects                                     migration check report        |
|                                                                    projects  sepereated by |     |
|      -rp (--report-path) reportPath (dir)                          report path                   |
|      -to (--to-version) to_version [to_version ...]                migration check report target |
|                                                                    product version               |
|  getCommandStatus commandId                                        gets command status           |
|      -ci (--childIndex) index                                      child index in Group Command  |
|                                                                    (if other commands, will be   |
|                                                                    ignore)                       |
|  help commandName                                                  shows help or detailed help   |
|  helpFilter                                                        shows filter help             |
|  importDatabaseMetadata filePath                                   imports database metadata     |
|  importDelimitedMetadata filePath                                  imports delimited metadata    |
|  importItems source (dir|.zip)                                     imports items                 |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -im (--implicit)                                              import implicit               |
|      -o (--overwrite)                                              overwrite existing items      |
|      -s (--status)                                                 import the status             |
|      -sl (--statslogs)                                             import stats & logs params    |
|  initLocal                                                         init local repository         |
|  initRemote adminUrl                                               init remote repository        |
|      -p64 (--password64)                                           Use base64 to decode password |
|      -ul (--user-login) login                                      user login                    |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  listCloudWorkspaces                                               list all available workspaces |
|                                                                    for user (and action)         |
|                                                                    (deprecated)                  |
|      -n (--name) name                                              action name                   |
|      -p (--password) password                                      cloud user password           |
|      -r (--url) url                                                inventory service URL         |
|      -u (--username) username                                      cloud user login name         |
|  listCommand                                                       lists commands                |
|      -a (--all)                                                    lists all commands            |
|      -q (--queue)                                                  lists queue(waitting)         |
|                                                                    commands                      |
|      -r (--run)                                                    lists running commands        |
|  listExecutionServer                                               lists [virtual] execution     |
|                                                                    servers                       |
|  listItem                                                          lists items                   |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -m (--metadata)                                               show item's metadata          |
|  listJob                                                           lists jobs                    |
|  listProject                                                       lists available projects      |
|      -b (--branch)                                                 Show branch projects          |
|  listRoute                                                         lists routes                  |
|  listService                                                       lists services                |
|  logoffProject                                                     logs off                      |
|  logonProject                                                      logs on a project             |
|      -br (--branch) branch                                         branches/<branchName> ,       |
|                                                                    tags/<tagName>                |
|      -gt (--generate-templates)                                    generate templates            |
|      -pn (--project-name) technical name                           project name                  |
|      -ro (--readOnly)                                              readOnly on current project   |
|      -ul (--user-login) login                                      user login                    |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  mCreateServer serverName                                          <MDM Command>:Create a server |
|                                                                    definition.                   |
|      -pd (--password) password                                     password used to connect      |
|                                                                    server, this argument is      |
|                                                                    optional, if it is not        |
|                                                                    appointed, the created server |
|                                                                    definition is not shared      |
|      -u (--url) url                                                url of the server             |
|      -un (--username) username                                     user name used to connect     |
|                                                                    server                        |
|  mDeployItem                                                       <MDM Command>:Deploy an item  |
|                                                                    object to MDM server          |
|      -on (--object-name) object name                               The Object name which will be |
|                                                                    deployed to server            |
|      -ot (--object-type) object type                               Object type.Optional          |
|                                                                    argument:CustomLayout|DataCont|
|                                                                    ainer|DataModel|Menu|Role|Reso|
|                                                                    urce|ServiceConfig|StoredProc||
|                                                                    Trigger|View|Process          |
|      -ov (--object-version) object version                         The Object of this version    |
|                                                                    will be deployed to server    |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mDeployJob jobName [jobName ...]                                  <MDM Command>:Deploy a job    |
|                                                                    object to MDM server          |
|      -c (--context) object name                                    The context script of job     |
|                                                                    object                        |
|      -ov (--object-version) object version                         The Object of this version    |
|                                                                    will be deployed to server    |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mExportDataContainer                                              <MDM Command>:Export data     |
|                                                                    container content from MDM    |
|                                                                    server                        |
|      -dn (--datacontainer-name) data container name                Name of the data container    |
|      -path (--zip-path) zip file path                                                            |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mImportDataContainer                                              <MDM Command>:Import data     |
|                                                                    container content to MDM      |
|                                                                    server                        |
|      -d (--on-demand)                                              Automatically create data     |
|                                                                    container if it doesn't exist |
|      -path (--zip-path) zip file path                                                            |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mListServer                                                       <MDM Command>:List all server |
|                                                                    definitions in current        |
|                                                                    project.                      |
|  mUnDeployItem                                                     <MDM Command>:Undeploy an     |
|                                                                    item object from MDM server   |
|      -on (--object-name) object name                               The Object name which will be |
|                                                                    deployed to server            |
|      -ot (--object-type) object type                               Object type.Optional          |
|                                                                    argument:CustomLayout|DataCont|
|                                                                    ainer|DataModel|Menu|Role|Reso|
|                                                                    urce|ServiceConfig|StoredProc||
|                                                                    SyncPlan|Trigger|Version|View||
|                                                                    Process|Job                   |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  mUpdateServer                                                     <MDM Command>:Deploy all      |
|                                                                    modified object to server     |
|      -sn (--server-name) server name                               Name of the server definition |
|      -sp (--server-password) server password                       Optional argument,it is       |
|                                                                    needed when using not shared  |
|                                                                    connection                    |
|  migrationCheck                                                    Migration check for upgrade   |
|                                                                    safe guarding                 |
|      -dp (--data-path) dataPath (dir)                              a valid dir to save migration |
|                                                                    check data                    |
|  populateAndGenerateReport                                         Populate and generate audit   |
|                                                                    report                        |
|      -dd (--db-driver) driver                                      the driver of database        |
|      -du (--db-user) user                                          the user of database          |
|      -fp (--filePath) filePath                                     filePath                      |
|      -ju (--jdbc-url) jdbc_url                                     jdbc url for database         |
|      -t (--template) template                                      Template of Audit             |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  populateAudit                                                     Populate data into database   |
|      -dd (--db-driver) driver                                      the driver of database        |
|      -du (--db-user) user                                          the user of database          |
|      -ju (--jdbc-url) jdbc_url                                     jdbc url for database         |
|      -up (--user-password) password                                user password                 |
|  publishAction actionName                                          publish action into cloud     |
|                                                                    workspace (deprecated)        |
|      -i (--image)                                                  publish action with           |
|                                                                    screenshot                    |
|      -na (--not_accelerate)                                        don't accelerate the publish  |
|      -p (--password) password                                      cloud user password           |
|      -r (--url) url                                                inventory service URL         |
|      -u (--username) username                                      cloud user login name         |
|      -v (--version) version                                        action publishing version     |
|      -w (--workspace) workspace                                    target workspace              |
|  publishJob jobName                                                publish job to Artifact       |
|                                                                    Repository                    |
|      -a (--artifactId) artifactId                                  published artifactId          |
|      -g (--group) group                                            chooses a job group           |
|      -jactc (--job-apply-context-to-children)                      specify this parameter if you |
|                                                                    want to apply context to      |
|                                                                    children                      |
|      -jc (--job-context) contextName                               specify which job context you |
|                                                                    want to use through inputing  |
|                                                                    the job context name          |
|      -p (--password) password                                      password                      |
|      -pv (--publish-version) version                               chooses a publish version     |
|      -r (--artifact-repository) url                                artifact repository           |
|      -rt (--repository-type) repository-type                       nexus2/nexus3/artifactory     |
|                                                                    (nexus3 by default)           |
|      -s (--snapshot)                                               publish as SNAPSHOT version   |
|      -t (--type) exportType                                        set export type, can be [osgi |
|                                                                    | standalone (or std)]; osgi  |
|                                                                    by default                    |
|      -u (--username) username                                      username                      |
|      -v (--version) version                                        chooses a job version         |
|  publishRoute routeName                                            publish route to Artifact     |
|                                                                    Repository                    |
|      -a (--artifactId) artifactId                                  published artifactId          |
|      -g (--group) group                                            chooses a route group         |
|      -p (--password) password                                      password                      |
|      -pv (--publish-version) version                               chooses a publish version     |
|      -r (--artifact-repository) url                                artifact repository           |
|      -rt (--repository-type) repository-type                       nexus2/nexus3/artifactory     |
|                                                                    (nexus3 by default)           |
|      -s (--snapshot)                                               publish as SNAPSHOT version   |
|      -u (--username) username                                      username                      |
|      -v (--version) version                                        chooses a route version       |
|  publishService serviceName                                        publish service to Artifact   |
|                                                                    Repository                    |
|      -a (--artifactId) artifactId                                  published artifactId          |
|      -g (--group) group                                            chooses a service group       |
|      -p (--password) password                                      password                      |
|      -pv (--publish-version) version                               chooses a publish version     |
|      -r (--artifact-repository) url                                artifact repository           |
|      -rt (--repository-type) repository-type                       nexus2/nexus3/artifactory     |
|                                                                    (nexus3 by default)           |
|      -s (--snapshot)                                               publish as SNAPSHOT version   |
|      -u (--username) username                                      username                      |
|      -v (--version) version                                        chooses a service version     |
|  quit                                                              exit                          |
|  regenerateAllPoms                                                 Regenerate all poms           |
|      -if (--item-filter) filterExpr                                item filter expression        |
|      -wd (--with_dependencies)                                     Include dependencies of       |
|                                                                    selected items                |
|  setUserComponentPath                                              Set user component path       |
|      -c (--clear)                                                  clear the user component path |
|      -up (--userComponentPath) path                                user component path           |
|  showVersion                                                       shows product version         |
|  startGroup                                                        start command group           |
|      -o (--origin) infor                                           add some origin informations  |
|  stopGroup                                                         stop command group            |
| Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Talend - www.talend.com                                                  |

