メイン コンテンツをスキップする 補完的コンテンツへスキップ



  1. [Repository] (リポジトリー)ツリービューで、[MyRoutine]という新しいルーチンを作成します。
  2. ルーチン内で静的変数を宣言し、その値をnullに設定します。例:
    private static String name = null;                      
  3. この変数にセッター/ゲッターメソッドを追加し、Ctrl + Sを押して変更を保存します。
    public static synchronized void setValue(String message) {
    public static synchronized String getValue() {
        return name;
    情報メモ注: このルーチンの完全なJavaコードは次のとおりです。
    package routines;
    * user specification: the function's comment should contain keys as follows: 1. write about the function's comment.but
    * it must be before the "{talendTypes}" key.
    * 2. {talendTypes} 's value must be talend Type, it is required . its value should be one of: String, char | Character,
    * long | Long, int | Integer, boolean | Boolean, byte | Byte, Date, double | Double, float | Float, Object, short |
    * Short
    * 3. {Category} define a category for the Function. it is required. its value is user-defined .
    * 4. {param} 's format is: {param} <type>[(<default value or closed list values>)] <name>[ : <comment>]
    * <type> 's value should be one of: string, int, list, double, object, boolean, long, char, date. <name>'s value is the
    * Function's parameter name. the {param} is optional. so if you the Function without the parameters. the {param} don't
    * added. you can have many parameters for the Function.
    * 5. {example} gives a example for the Function. it is optional.
    public class MyRoutine {
        private static String name = null;
    	 * helloExample: not return value, only print "hello" + message.
    	 * {talendTypes} String
    	 * {Category} User Defined
    	 * {param} string("world") input: The string need to be printed.
    	 * {example} helloExemple("world") # hello world !.
    	public static void helloExample(String message) {
    		if (message == null) {
    			message = "World"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    		System.out.println("Hello " + message + " !"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    	public static synchronized void setValue(String message) {
    		name = message;
    	public static synchronized String getValue() {
    		return name;

