Monitoring task executions in the Monitoring node - 7.3

Talend Administration Center User Guide

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Administration and Monitoring
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Note: Only users that have the Operation manager and Designer role and rights can have read only access to this page. Other users do not have access to this page at all. For further information on access rights, see User roles/rights in the Administration Center. When a user of the Administration Center opens this page, he/she will have access only to the items for which the user has been granted the appropriate authorization by the Administrator.

Monitoring of task executions in Talend Administration Center is a powerful functionality that automatically tracks task completion. It tracks in real-time the status of all triggered tasks or those waiting to be triggered. This way, monitoring can support rapid troubleshooting of issues.

The Execution History and Timeline pages provide you with timely updated execution information by tracking and monitoring task executions until their completion.

From these pages, you can also directly access the Error Recovery Management module and view statistic information about the execution status of a selected Job. For more information, see Accessing the execution monitoring grid and examining collected data.

The results are graphically presented in the Timeline page. For more information, see Accessing the Timeline and examining illustrated data.

Implementing this facility in Talend Administration Center allows you to keep track of your tasks and goals by going much further than the usual execution management goes.

Access to the Execution History and Timeline pages depends on your license. For more information, refer to What modules and features are available depending on your license.