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Adding a server hosted on an Amazon EC2 instance

You can add a server hosted on Amazon EC2 on the Servers page. Note that this feature is deprecated and will be removed from version 8.0.

For more information on how to add a simple execution server (JobServer or Talend Runtime type) , see Adding an execution server.

To perform this action via the MetaServlet application, use the addServer command. For more information about the MetaServlet parameters, see Parameters and actions in metaServlet.

Before you begin

If you want to add a server hosted on Amazon EC2:

  • You need to have an Amazon EC2 account with the corresponding key pair and security group. Moreover, the instance login requires the following actions with appropriate resources:
    • "ec2:Describe*",
    • "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress",
    • "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress",
    • "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress",
    • "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress",
    • "ec2:TerminateInstances",
    • "ec2:DeleteTags",
    • "ec2:StartInstances",
    • "ec2:CreateTags",
    • "ec2:RunInstances",
    • "ec2:StopInstances"
    For more information, see the online Amazon EC2 documentation.
  • If you wish to use your own Amazon Machine Images (AMI), it must include an Oracle JDK or OpenJDK, Unzip as well as a JobServer installed as a service to enable task deployment on the Amazon cloud.
  • It is recommended to increase the Tomcat memory. For more information on how to increase the memory of Tomcat, see Increasing the memory of Tomcat on Talend Help Center .


  1. From the toolbar on the Servers page, click Add > Add EC2 (Deprecated) to open the Execution server configuration panel.
  2. Enter the following information:




    Name of the server. This field is mandatory.


    Free descriptive text.


    IP address of the server. This field is automatically completed when you save the server configuration.

    Time zone

    In the dialog box, select the time zone of the server in the list. To take advantage of the autocomplete feature, type the first three letters of the time zone you are searching for.

    This field is automatically completed when you save the server configuration.

    Command port

    Server port (8000 by default). This field is mandatory.

    File transfer port

    Port for file transfer (8001 by default). This field is mandatory.

    Monitoring port

    Port for monitoring (8888 by default). This field is mandatory.

    Timeout on unknown status

    Enter the predetermined period of time (in seconds) after which a specific action is to be taken on the selected task, in the event of unknown Job status due to an unavailable Job server (120 by default). This field is mandatory.

    Username and Password

    Type in the username and the password for user authentication to access the JobServer. Once you have typed in the password, this password is encrypted when saved in the database. These fields are automatically completed when you save the server configuration.

    Use SSL

    Select/clear the check box to use your own SSL Keystore to encrypt the data prior to transmission.

    For further information about creating and enabling an SSL Keystore, see Configuring the SSL Keystore on Talend Help Center .


    Select/clear the check box to activate/deactivate this server.

    Access key id

    Type in the access key ID corresponding to your Amazon account.

    Secret access key

    Type in the secret access key corresponding to your Amazon account.

    Region id

    In the list, select the Region ID corresponding to your Amazon account.

    Security group

    In the list, select the security group corresponding to your Amazon account.

    Select AMI and AMI/Image id

    Select the check box to look into your Amazon account the existing Amazon Machine Image IDs (AMIs) and to select the desired AMI in the AMI list. Note that if you select an AMI in the list, Unzip as well as a JobServer are automatically deployed on this AMI.

    Clear the check box to use your own AMI and to and type in your AMI in the Image id field. Note that if you use your own AMI, you need to have on it a JDK Oracle or OpenJDK, Unzip as well as a JobServer installed as a service to enable task deployment on the Amazon cloud.

    After execution

    In the list, select the action to perform once the task is executed on the server: Stop to stop the instance, Terminate to remove the instance from Amazon or Keep running to keep it active.

    Instance type

    In the list, select the Amazon instance type.

    Instance login

    Type in the login to connect to your Amazon account.

    Key pair

    In the list, select the key pair corresponding to your Amazon account.

    Private key

    In this field, paste the content of your Amazon private key (.pem file). Note that you have to copy the content from the very beginning of the file, including -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.

  3. Click Save to validate the configuration or click Cancel to cancel the configuration. The newly created server appears on the list.
  4. Once saved, select the server from the server list then click one of the following buttons in the right panel:
    • Start instance: to create (if it is not already created) and start the Amazon instance with the embedded execution server.

    • Stop instance: to stop the Amazon instance.

    • Terminate: to stop the instance and remove it from your Amazon account.

    If you want to be informed of the server change of status, you can add a notification on this server. For more information, see How to add a server-based notification.
    For more information on how to edit, duplicate or delete an execution server, see Editing an execution server, Duplicating an execution server and Deleting an execution server.

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