Importing data records - 8.0

Talend MDM Web UI User Guide (deprecated)

Talend Data Fabric
Talend MDM Platform
Talend MDM Web UI
Data Governance
Last publication date
You can import data records from a local xlsx or csv file on the MDM server. Usually, these records are those that are exported from the MDM server to a local copy to do some mass modifications.

Before you begin

  • The MDM server is already launched.

  • You have been assigned a role with the appropriate user authorization and access rights..

  • The data records have been already copied from the server to a local copy on your computer.

  • Make sure you have selected the data container that holds the master data you want to manage and the data model against which the master data will be validated.

About this task

To import data records from a local file onto the MDM server, complete the following:


  1. Open the Master Data Browser page in Talend MDM Web UI.
  2. Select the entity in which you want to import the data records, and then click the Search button to list all the records in the selected entity.


  3. Click Import and Export on the menu bar to open a list.
  4. Select Import... to open the Upload data dialog box.


  5. Click the Browse... button and follow the instruction in the opened dialog box to upload the file that holds the data records you want to import.
    Pay attention to the following:
    • When importing a record with an element of date type, you must specify the element in the format of yyyy-MM-dd.

    • Make sure you have defined a multi-value separator. Otherwise, unexpected errors will occur.

    If you want to include a foreign key element in the data records to be imported, you can specify it in the following formats:

    • one foreign key id (with or without brackets) only, for example, FKid1, or [FKid1];

    • one foreign key id (with or without brackets) and foreign key information, for example, FKid1|FKinfo1, [FKid1]|FKinfo1, or [FKid1]|FKinfo1|FKinfo2;

    • multiple foreign key ids (with or without brackets) only, for example, FKid1|FKid2, or [FKid1]|[FKid2];

    • multiple foreign key ids with brackets and foreign key information, for example, [FKid11][FKid12]|FKinfo1, [FKid1]|FKinfo1|[FKid2]|FKinfo2, or [FKid11]|[FKid12]|FKinfo1|[FKid21][FKid22]|FKinfo2.

    Warning: The id values of a composite foreign key element must always be wrapped by brackets separately, for example, [FKid1][FKid2], [FKid1][FKid2]|[FKid3], or [FKid11][FKid12]|[FKid21][FKid22].
    • When there is any new record with some foreign key values in the import file, the foreign key values will not be added if you do not have the add access to that foreign key element.
    • When there is any record with some foreign key values to be updated in the import file, and
      • the number of foreign key values increases, the foreign key values can be updated only if you have the add access to that foreign key element.
      • the number of foreign key values decreases, the foreign key values can be updated only if you have the remove access to that foreign key element.
      • the number of foreign key values remains the same, the foreign key values will be updated no matter if you have the add or remove access to that foreign key element.
  6. If needed, select the Use Partial Update check box to update partially the fields of the existing data records instead of updating all fields.
    The ID field in the uploaded file will be validated first to identify the existing data records.
  7. Click Submit. A progress information bar is displayed followed by a confirmation message.
    Make sure the uploaded file contains valid field values. If any error occurs during the import, for example, the uploaded file contains invalid field value, an error message pops up and none of the data records in the uploaded file will be imported.
    Note: The import operation may take some time depending on how many records you have in the local file.
  8. Click OK to close the confirmation message. All data records in the local file are imported on the MDM server.