Using cSEDA, cVM and cDirect to produce and consume messages separately - 7.3

SEDA (Mediation)

Talend Data Fabric
Talend Data Services Platform
Talend ESB
Talend MDM Platform
Talend Open Studio for ESB
Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform
Talend Studio
Data Governance > Third-party systems > Messaging components (Mediation) > SEDA components (Mediation)
Data Quality and Preparation > Third-party systems > Messaging components (Mediation) > SEDA components (Mediation)
Design and Development > Third-party systems > Messaging components (Mediation) > SEDA components (Mediation)
Last publication date

This scenario applies only to Talend Open Studio for ESB, Talend ESB, Talend Data Services Platform, Talend MDM Platform, Talend Real Time Big Data Platform, and Talend Data Fabric.

For more technologies supported by Talend, see Talend Mediation Components.

In this scenario, we will use a cTimer component to trigger a message exchange. The message is routed to a cSEDA, a cVM and a cDirect sequentially with a message body set for each of them, which is then consumed in another thread.

We will create a Route Resource to define the repeat count of the message exchange (the number of times the message should be sent), which will be used by the cTimer component.