Creating a new issue in JIRA application - 7.3


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Data Governance > Third-party systems > Business applications > JIRA components
Data Quality and Preparation > Third-party systems > Business applications > JIRA components
Design and Development > Third-party systems > Business applications > JIRA components
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  1. Double-click the tFileInputDelimited component to open its Basic settings view.
  2. In the File name/Stream field, specify the path to the JSON file used to create the issue.

    In this example, a simple JSON file D:/JiraComponents/issue_create.json will be used to insert a new issue under the project with the key DOC and the data in this file reads as follows:

    {"fields": {
        "issuetype": {
            "id": "10001",
            "name": "Task"
        "project": {
            "key": "DOC",
            "name": "Documentation"
        "description": "Create an issue under the DOC project",
        "summary": "Add the documentation for new components tJIRA***"

    Note that the tJIRAOutput component now only supports creating project/issue in JIRA application with the single line JSON file, so you need to join all lines in the input JSON file into one line before executing the Job.

    For more information about the types of issues, see the JIRA official documentation Issue types.

    For more information about how to find the id for issue types, see the JIRA official documentation Finding the Id for Issue Types.

  3. Double-click the tJIRAOutput component to open its Basic settings view.
  4. In the Host URL, User Id, and Password fields, specify the user authentication information required to access the JIRA application.