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Updating cluster connection metadata

Before you begin

Each time you start a new cluster, it is necessary to update the cluster connection metadata in the Talend Studio Repository.

Once your new cluster is started using the Amazon EMR web interface, you should be able to find the new private IP and DNS of the cluster master node. The private IP and DNS will be used to update the hosts file.
  • On a Windows instance, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and open the hosts file.
  • On a Linux instance, open the /etc/hosts file.
Then configure it as follows:

To update the Hadoop cluster metadata in the Talend Studio with the connection information of the new cluster, do the following:


  1. In the Talend Studio Repository, double-click your Hadoop cluster connection metadata and click Next.
  2. In the Update Hadoop Cluster Connection - Step 2/2 window, update the private DNS values:

    Click Finish.

  3. In the popup message, click Yes to accept the propagation to all Jobs of the new configuration.
  4. Click OK to update all your Jobs.

    If you previously created a connection to HDFS, it will also be updated.

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