Double-click tFileInputDelimited to display its Basic settings view and define the component properties,
including the input file name, the number of header rows to skip, and the
Click the Edit Schema to create the
Click [+] to add a
Name__Telephone_Address to the schema and
click OK to validate.
Double-click tPatternExtract to display its Basic
settings view and define the component properties.
From the Column to check list, select the column
you want to check its data against the defined pattern,
Name_Telephone_Address in this example.
From the PROPERTY list, select
Repository to check the data against a
pattern from the DQ Repository.
Click the [...] button next to the
PROPERTY field and select Regex > internet > Email Address from the Pattern Selector.
In the Basic settings
view of the tFilterColumns component,
click the [...] button next to Edit schema to open the Schema dialog box.
Select the column of interest from the Input schema, and click
the right arrow button to copy the column to the output schema. Then, click
OK to close the dialog box.
Double-click tFileOutputDelimited to display its Basic settings view and define the component properties.
In the File Name field, specify the path to the
file you want to write the output data to.
Define the row and field separators in the corresponding fields, if
any. In this example, we want to separate customers' email addresses by
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