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Google Analytics properties

Properties to configure to establish a connection to Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is unidirectional and can only be used as a source dataset in your pipeline.

Google Analytics connection

Select Google Analytics in the list and configure the connection.


Select your engine from the list and set the main and advanced settings.

Main settings
Property Configuration
Google credentials Paste the content of the JSON file that contains your service account key. To know more about the Google Cloud authentication process, read the Google Cloud documentation.

After configuring the connection, give it a display name (mandatory) and a description (optional).

Google Analytics dataset

Dataset configuration
Property Configuration
Dataset name Enter a display name for the dataset. This name will be used as a unique identifier of the dataset in all Talend Cloud apps.
Connection Select your connection in the list. If you are creating a dataset based on an existing connection, this field is read-only.
Main settings
Property Configuration
View ID Select or enter the unique View ID for retrieving Analytics data. This identifier can be found in your account under Admin > VIEW > View Settings.
Date range Select or enter the start and end dates corresponding to the report you want to retrieve.
Dimensions Select or enter the name of the dimension you want to use.

Example: Landing Page(ga:landingPagePath)

For more information, see the Google Analytics documentation.

Metrics Select or enter the name of the metrics you want to use.

Example: Sessions (ga:sessions)

For more information, see the Google Analytics documentation.

Advanced settings
Property Configuration
Read timeout Enter the read timeout value in milliseconds. An exception will occur if the waiting time expires before there is data available to read.
Advanced metrics
  • Expression: Select or enter the expression corresponding to the metrics you want to use.

    Example: ga:sessions*100

  • Alias: Specify an alias for the previously defined expression. The alias will help you reuse this expression in a filter clause.

    Example: custom_session_metrics

  • Formatting type: Enter or select the format data type of the metrics.

    Example: INTEGER

Dimension filter clauses Define your custom filter clause in JSON format. You can use the alias defined previously in this clause.

For more information on the syntax of these clauses, see the Google Analytics documentation.

Metric filter clauses Define your custom metric clause in JSON format. You can use the alias defined previously in this clause.

For more information on the syntax of these clauses, see the Google Analytics documentation.

Filter expression Enter your filter expression.

Google Analytics source configuration

When Google Analytics is used as a source dataset in your pipeline, you can select some options that will be performed while passing the data to the next step of the pipeline:

Property Configuration
Use resource quotas Enable this option to enable customers of Analytics 360 accounts to have higher sampling thresholds.

For more information on the syntax of these clauses, see the Google Analytics documentation.

Include empty rows Enable this option to include in the response the rows where all metric values are zero.

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