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Azure Blob Storage properties

Properties to configure to establish a connection to an Azure Blob Storage file system.

Azure Blob Storage connection

Select Azure Blob Storage in the list and configure the connection.


Select your engine from the list and set the main and advanced settings.

Main settings
Property Configuration
Account Name Enter the name of the storage account you need to access. The storage account name can be found in the Storage accounts dashboard of the Microsoft Azure Storage system to be used.

Ensure that the administrator of the system has granted you the appropriate access permissions to this storage account.

Authentication type Select the way you want to authenticate to your storage account: Basic, Azure Active Directory, or Managed identities.
  • Account key: Enter the key associated with the storage account you need to access. Two keys are available for each account and by default, either of them can be used for this access.

    To know how to get your Account Key, read Manage a storage account.

  • Protocol: Select the protocol for the connection to be created.
Azure Active Directory

Enter the Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret associated with your account for an identity-based authorization of requests to the Blob and Queue services.

For more information, read Authorize with Azure Active Directory.

Managed identities

For more information, read the corresponding Azure documentation.

(Optional) Use Shared Access Signature Toggle this option ON to use a shared access signature (SAS) to access the storage resources without using the account key. To know more about SAS, read Using Shared Access Signatures (SAS).

In the Shared Access Signature field, enter your account SAS URL. You can get the SAS URL for each allowed service on the Microsoft Azure portal after generating SAS. The SAS URL format is https://<$storagename><$service><$sastoken>, where <$storagename> is the storage account name, <$service> is the allowed service name (blob, file, queue or table), and <$sastoken> is the SAS token value. For more information, read Construct an account SAS URI.

Note that the SAS has a validity period, you can set the start time at which the SAS becomes valid and the expiry time after which the SAS is no longer valid when generating it, and you need to make sure your SAS is still valid when running your Job.

Advanced settings
Property Configuration
Force protocol If Define JDBC URL is disabled, you can enable this option to define the JDBC driver protocol.
Connection timeout Sets the maximum number of seconds that a user will wait for a connection to be available. If this time is exceeded and the connection is still unavailable, an exception is thrown.
Connection validation timeout Sets the maximum waiting time in seconds for a connection to be considered as alive.

After configuring the connection, give it a display name (mandatory) and a description (optional).

Azure Blob Storage dataset

Dataset configuration
Property Configuration
Dataset name Enter a display name for the dataset. This name will be used as a unique identifier of the dataset in all Talend Cloud apps.
Connection Select your connection in the list. If you are creating a dataset based on an existing connection, this field is read-only.
Container name Select or enter the name of your Azure Blob Storage container.
Directory Enter the name of the directory containing the file to be retrieved.
File format Select in the list the format of the file to be retrieved and enter or select the information related to this file format:
  • CSV:
    • Record delimiter: Select the type of record separator used in the file to be retrieved. If you select Other, you will be able to enter a custom record delimiter in the custom record delimiter field.
    • Field delimiter: Select the type of field separator used in the file to be retrieved. If you select Other, you will be able to enter a custom record delimiter in the custom field delimiter field.
    • Text enclosure character: Enter the character used to enclose the fields.
    • Escape character: Enter the character to be escaped in the records to be retrieved.
    • Encoding: Select the type of encoding used in the file to be retrieved. If you select Other, you will be able to enter a custom encoding type in the Custom encoding field.
    • Set header: Enable this option if the file to be retrieved contains header lines and enter or select the number of lines to be skipped in the schema.
  • Excel:
    • Excel format: Select the format/version corresponding to the file to be retrieved.
    • Sheet: Enter the name of the specific Excel sheet you want to be retrieved.
    • Set header/footer: enable these options if the file to be retrieved contains header and/or footer lines and enter or select the number of lines to be skipped in the schema.
  • Avro: No specific parameters required for this format.
  • Parquet: No specific parameters required for this format.
    Information noteWarning: Azure Blob Storage does not support the Parquet format when the Azure Active Directory authentication type is selected.
  • JSON: No specific parameters required for this format.

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