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CSV representation properties

  • New line character type: Select whether you want to define a newline based on your platform or specify a custom one.
  • New line character: Enter the character sequence that represents a newline.
  • Delimiter: Enter the character used to separate values.
  • Skip header reading: Select this check box to skip the first line, which is useful when the first line is a header. Note that if no header is present, selecting this check box will skip the first line of data.
  • Skip header writing: Select this check box to skip the first line when printing a CSV file.
  • Generate default header: Select this check box when there is no header in the file to generate default header values by concatenating 'Col_' with the position index of the column (e.g. 'Col_1', 'Col_2', 'Col_3', and so on).
  • Quote mode: Select how quotes should behave when printing, and has five possible values:
    • None: No quote mode defined
    • All: Quote all fields
    • Minimal: Quote fields which contain special characters such as a delimiter, quotes character or any of the characters in line separator
    • Non-numeric: Quote all non-numeric fields
    • Never: Never quote fields
  • Quote character: Enter the character to be used as value encapsulation marker.
  • Comment start character: Enter the character used for comment identification.
  • Escape character: Enter the character used to escape special characters in values.
  • Ignore surrounding spaces: Select this check box to ignore whitespaces enclosing values.
  • Ignore empty lines: Select this check box to skip empty lines.
  • Trim: This lets you trim leading and trailing blanks.
  • Character encoding: Specify the character encoding for the data to be processed. For more information, see Character encoding.
  • Enforce zero scale on output decimals?: Select this check box if you want to remove all fractional digits for Decimal elements with the Decimal Places property set to 0.
  • Decimal sign is implied on output: Select this check box if you do not want the decimal sign to appear in the output.

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