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Configuring the components


  1. Define the first tFileInputDelimited in its Basic settings view. Browse the system to the input file to be analyzed.
  2. Define the schema of the component. In this example, the input schema has two columns, firstname and gender.
  3. Define the second tFileInputDelimited component the same way.
    Information noteWarning:

    Make sure the reference column is set as key column in the schema of the lookup flow.

  4. Double-click the tFuzzyMatch component to open its Basic settings view, and check its schema.
    The Schema should match the Main input flow schema in order for the main flow to be checked against the reference.
    Note that two columns, Value and Matching, are added to the output schema. These are standard matching information and are read-only.
  5. Select the method to be used to check the incoming data. In this scenario, Levenshtein is the Matching type to be used.
  6. Then set the distance. In this method, the distance is the number of char changes (insertion, deletion or substitution) that needs to be carried out in order for the entry to fully match the reference.
    In this use case, we set both the minimum distance and the maximum distance to 0. This means only the exact matches will be output.
  7. Also, clear the Case sensitive check box.
  8. Check that the matching column and look up column are correctly selected.
  9. Leave the other parameters as default.

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