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Test the load balancer

AWS Elastic Load Balancer can help in achieving high-availability and fault-tolerance by checking health of back-end instances. When an instance does not pass health checks, AWS Elastic Load Balancer stops sending requests to that unhealthy instance which is automatically replaced by a new healthy instance thanks to Auto Scaling.


  1. Go to EC2 console > Load BALANCING > Load Balancers.
  2. Select the load balancer ELB-Talend-ESB.
  3. Then locate the DNS name of the loadbalancer in the Description panel:
  4. Copy the DNS Name and paste it in a web browser while adding :8040/services at the end as per the screenshot:
  5. Press Enter.

    The Services list page of Talend ESB should be displayed. It lists all SOAP and REST services deployed on the Talend ESB

    runtime. Services may be listed depending on whether or not some services are deployed.

    In your case, you have one Soap service called HelloPortType deployed:

    Information noteNote: Since Session Stickiness is disabled on the ELB, each time you refresh or press F5 on your web browser, the request may be forwarded to a different instance among all Talend ESB runtimes which compose the Auto Scaling Group.

    If an instance becomes unhealthy, this should be transparent for requesters as long as there are healthy instances inside the Auto Scaling Group.

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