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JAAS Scope

The commands within the jaas: scope are used for management of JAAS users and realms.

jaas Scope commands
Command Parameters Description
jaas:cancel   Cancels the modification of a JAAS realm.
jaas:group-add username group Makes a user part of a group.
jaas:group-create group Creates a group in a realm.
jaas:group-delete username group Removes a user from a group.
jaas:group-list   Lists groups in a realm.
jaas:group-role-add group role Adds a role to a group.
jaas:group-role-delete group role Removes a role from a group.
jaas:pending-list   Lists the pending modification on the active JAAS Realm/Login Module.
jaas:realm-list [options] Lists JAAS realms.
jaas:realm-manage [options] Manages user and roles of a Jaas Realm.
jaas:role-add username role Adds a role to a user.
jaas:role-delete username role Deletes a role from a user.
jaas:su [options] [user] Substitutes user identity.
jaas:sudo [options] [command] Executes a command as another user.
jaas:update   Applies pending modification on the edited JAAS Realm.
jaas:user-add username password Adds a user.
jaas:user-delete username Deletes a user.
jaas:user-list [options] Lists the users of the selected JAAS realm/login module.

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