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This command lists all the Endpoints registered in the Service Locator. You can use it via the following command:

tlocator:list [options] [filter]


  • options can be:



    -O, --offline-services Prints only services with no active endpoint.
    -ns, --namespace Prints service name including namespace.
    -o, --offline-endpoints Prints only services with at least one offline endpoint.
    -t, --transport Prints transport protocol for endpoints.
    -ep, --properties, --prop Prints optional endpoint properties.
    --help Displays this help message.
    -v, --verbose Displays a verbose output. It prints all service and endpoint attributes.
    -p, --protocol Prints message protocol for endpoints.
    -d, --date Prints date information for endpoints: online/offline since.
  • filter corresponds to the Servicename. It is true if any part of the service name matches this filter. This filter is case sensitive.

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