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Additional information about mappings

The Data mapping processor allows you to map input and output schema fields. The following rules apply when mapping fields together.
  • Automapping will occur when opening the data mapping for the first time or after opening the data mapping when no mapping has been done yet.
  • Unmapped input fields are ignored and will not appear in the output schema.

    Example: Your input schema contains these fields: first_name, last_name, email and phone and your output schema contains these fields: firstname, lastname, address and phone.

    If you map first_name with firstname, last_name with lastname and phone with phone, your output schema will contain these fields: firstname, lastname, address and phone. The unmapped email field will be ignored. The address output column will be empty.

  • Mapping an input and output field with different data types might result in an error. In that case, an automatic conversion will cast the input field into the type of the output field.
  • A mandatory output field which is not mapped will most likely result in an error. It is still possible to run the pipeline, but you may experience data loss or more errors, it is recommended to fix the mapping beforehand.
  • The values of the mapped input fields will be added to their corresponding output fields according to the operation set for your database (insert, update, upsert, delete).

    Example: If you selected the Insert action in your pipeline destination and your input field firstname contains the values Alice and John, and is mapped with the output field first_name that contains the values Will and Alima, the output field will contain all these values after the mapping: Alice, John, Will and Alima, which corresponds to an insert.

  • There is no schema modification when mapping fields, which means the name of the mapped output field will be kept over the name of the input field when an input field is mapped with it.

    Example: If you map the input field firstname with the output field first_name, the mapped output field will be named first_name.

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