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Phone number statistics

Indicators in this group count phone numbers. They return the count for each phone number format. They validate the phone formats using the library.

  • Valid phone number count: computes the valid phone numbers.
  • Possible phone number count: computes the supposed valid phone numbers.
  • Valid region code number count: computes phone numbers with valid region code.
  • Invalid region code count. computes phone numbers with invalid region code.
  • Valid phone number for region count: computes the phone numbers that are recognized as valid for a certain region.
  • Well formed national phone number count: computes well formatted national phone numbers.
  • Well formed international phone number count: computes the international phone numbers that respect the international phone format (phone numbers that start with the country code) .
  • Well formed E164 phone number count: computes the international phone numbers that respect the international phone format ( maximum of fifteen digits written with a + prefix.
  • Format Phone Number Frequency: shows the results of the phone number count in a pie chart divided into sectors.

The following table shows the indicators that you can select in any database:

Indicator Supported data types with the Java analysis engine Supported data types with the SQL analysis engine
Valid Phone Number Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Valid Region Code Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Invalid Region Code Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Valid Phone Number for Region Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Possible Phone Number Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Well Formed International Phone Number Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Well Formed National Phone Number Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Well Formed E164 Phone Number Count
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Format Phone Number Frequency
  • Number
  • Text
  • Date
Information noteTip: When using Valid Phone Number for Region Count and Valid Phone Number Count with the same input data, the results might be different. For example, a phone number is valid, so true is returned in Valid Phone Number Count, but the country code is wrong, so false is returned in Valid Phone Number for Region Count.

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