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Creating the business rule


  1. In the DQ Repository tree view, expand Libraries > Rules.
  2. Right-click SQL.
    Contextual menu of an SQL rule.
  3. From the contextual menu, select New Business Rule to open the New Business Rule wizard.
    Consider as an example that you want to create a business rule to match the age of all customers listed in the age column of a defined table. You want to filter all the age records to identify those that fulfill the specified criterion.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for this new SQL business rule.
    Information noteImportant:

    Do not use the following special characters in the item names: ~ ! ` # ^ * & \\ / ? : ; \ , . ( ) ¥ ' " « » < >

    These characters are all replaced with "_" in the file system and you may end up creating duplicate items.

  5. Optional: Set other metadata (Purpose, Description and Author) in the corresponding fields.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Where clause field, enter the WHERE clause to be used in the analysis.
    In this example, the WHERE clause is used to match the records where customer age is greater than 18.
  8. Click Finish to close the New Business Rule wizard.
    A sub-folder for this new SQL business rule is displayed under the Rules folder in the DQ Repository tree view. The SQL business rule editor opens with the defined metadata.
    Overview of the business rule settings.
    Information noteNote: In the SQL business rule editor, you can modify the WHERE clause or add a new one directly in the Data quality rule view.
  9. If required, set a value in the Criticality Level field.

    This will act as an indicator to measure the importance of the SQL business rule.

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