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Using the synonym index editor

Talend Studio provides a Synonym Index editor where you can have access to the Lucene index files. You can find these files in the root directory of Talend Studio in the following path /addons/data/synonym. This editor displays the entries and their related synonyms and provides you with several management icons.

For more information about the available data synonym dictionaries, see Overview of the available indexes.

You can also create such index files using the tSynonymOutput component.

Information noteNote: If the indexes were created with version 7.2 or lower, you need to update them. The location of the migration procedure depends on the Talend Studio installation:
  • With the installer: /addons/scripts/Lucene_Migration_Tool/
  • With no installer: in the license email, click the link in Migration tool for Lucene Indexes from version 4 to version 8.

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