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Oracle Designer - Export

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor Oracle
Tool Name Oracle Designer
Tool Version 6i to 10g
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model) via DAT File

Tool: Oracle / Oracle Designer version 6i to 10g via DAT File
Metadata: [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model)
Component: OracleDesigner version 11.2.0

This bridge generates a .DAT file containing either:
- an E/R Model with entities, attributes, domains, relationships and graphical layout (diagrams)
- a Server Model with tables, columns, data types, PK/FK and graphical layout (diagrams)



Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
File The path name of the generated Oracle Designer file.

In order to load the converted model, start Oracle Designer and:

1. Start the Oracle Designer tool.
2. Start the Repository Object Navigator tool by clicking on the Navigator icon.
3. Select the root object of the tree and choose "Create Child..." in the "Edit" menu.
4. Select "Application Systems" and click "OK".
5. Enter the name of the application you want to create.
6. Right-click on this newly created object and select "Import".
7. Select "Import from a text based export file" and click on "Next".
8. Enter the name of the file you want to import from or browse to select it and click on "Next" and click on "Finish".
FILE *.dat   Mandatory
Design level Design level of the model to export:

'Logical only'
Generates an E/R Model.

'Physical only'
Generates a Server Model.
Logical only
Physical only
Physical only  
Commit frequency How many commit instructions should be written in the file.

Standard commit frequency.

One commit instruction per object created. Useful to investigate why a particular DAT file would not load into Oracle Designer. Setting to 'High' allows an easier understanding of messages written in the Oracle Designer log file 'errlog.log' located in the BIN directory of Oracle Designer installation. However, forcing Oracle Designer to commit changes frequently takes it longer to load the DAT file into Oracle Designer.


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"Oracle Designer"
Mapping Comments
Association Relationship, Relationship Ends, Foreign Key the Association's Foreign Key is exported
Aggregation   Relationship End has to be part of a UIE
AssociationRole Relationship, Relationship Ends, Foreign Key  
ExtraConstraint the foreign key constraints  
Multiplicity Minimum Cardinality, Maximum Cardinality  
Name Relationship End Name Computed if the role name is not set.
AssociationRoleNameMap Foreign Key columns No equivalent in Oracle Designer ER Modeling (Logical level). Name mapping between a foreign key column and its associated primary key column
Attribute Attribute/Column see DerivedType for the attribute's datatype information mapping
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
InitialValue Default Value  
Name Name/Prompt  
Optional Optional  
PhysicalName Name  
Position Sequence Number  
BaseType Domain, Attribute Format  
CandidateKey Unique Identifier/Unique Key, Primary Key  
Description Description  
Name Name  
PhysicalName Name  
UniqueKey Primary UID Flag set to True if the candidate key is the entity's primary key. Non-Unique Candidate Keys are not exported
Class Entity/Table  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
DimensionalRole DataWarehouse Type  
Name Name/Display Name  
PhysicalName Short Name/Name  
ClassDiagram Entity Relationship Diagram  
DatabaseSchema   No equivalent in Oracle Designer ER Modeling (Logical level)
DerivedType Domain, Attribute Datatype, Allowable Values, Check Constraint  
Comment Comment  
DataType Format / Datatype See datatype conversion array
Description Description  
InitialValue Default Value  
Length Maximum Length  
LowerBound Allowable Values : Low Value  
Name Name  
PhysicalName Name / Datatype  
Scale Decimal Places  
UpperBound Allowable Values : High Value  
DesignPackage Folder  
ForeignKey Foreign Key  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Name  
PhysicalName Name  
Generalization Subtype/Foreign Key The Generalization's Foreign Key is exported
GeneralizationRole Subtype/Foreign Key  
Index Index  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Name  
IndexMember Index entries  
Position Usage sequence / Sequence in key  
Note Notes  
PropertyElementTypeScope User Extensions  
PropertyType User Extensions  
PropertyValue User Extensions  
SQLViewAssociation View, Table No equivalent in Oracle Designer ER Modeling (Logical level). Associations between views and tables for the physical level
SQLTableSequence Usage sequence  
SQLViewAttribute View Column  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Prompt  
PhysicalName Name  
Position Sequence in Table  
SQLViewEntity View  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Display Title  
PhysicalName Name  
WhereClause Where / Validation condition  
StoreModel Application  
Synonym Table alias  
Trigger Trigger, PL/SQL Definition  
Description Description  
FireOnDelete Delete  
FireOnInsert Insert  
FireOnUpdate Update  
Name Name  
PhysicalName Name  
TriggerType Execution Time  
TypeValue Allowable values  
Name Meaning/Value  
Position RadioSequence  
Value Value  

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