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Backing up and restoring a database on Microsoft SQL Server

Back up or restore your SQL Server database using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  • You have created a directory on your server machine to store all the exported files, such as .bak files.
  • You have launched SQL Server Management Studio and started your SQL Server instance.
  • You have stopped Talend Data Catalog application server before performing the backup and restore tasks.

Backing up using SSMS

  1. Open a New Query window.
  2. Execute the following Transact-SQL (T-SQL) command to backup your SQL Server database into a file:
    BACKUP DATABASE [<db_name>] 
    TO DISK = N'<backup_directory_path>\<bak_file_name>' 
    NAME = N'<db_name>-Full Database Backup'

Restoring using SSMS

  1. Open a New Query window.
  2. Execute the following T-SQL command to restore the file into the database server:
    USE [master]
    RESTORE DATABASE [<db_name>] 
    FROM DISK = N'<backup_directory_path>\<bak_file_name>' WITH REPLACE
  3. Restart Talend Data Catalog application server.
  4. To ensure the optimal Talend Data Catalog application server performance, go to MANAGE > Schedules to run the database maintenance script.
  5. Right-click Run Database Maintenance and click Run operation now to update the database indexes and statistics.

You can also use the SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer UI. For more information, refer to the Microsoft SQL Server backup and restore documentation.

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