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Starting and stopping Talend ESB infrastructure services

Talend Runtime provides infrastructure services, including the Service Locator, Service Activity Monitoring, Security Token Service for its community version, and additional XKMS, Service Registry, and Authorization, etc. for its subscription versions, which are already installed in the Talend Runtime Container.

To start all the infrastructure services, after starting the Talend Runtime Container, enter the following command at the console prompt:


You can shutdown all Talend ESB infrastructure services by entering:

Information noteNote: If there is another Talend Runtime Container running on the same machine and you forgot to adapt the configuration of the used ports, a port conflict may arise while starting an infrastructure component. In this case tesb:start-demo-all will not try to start the remaining infrastructure components. Stop all infrastructure services using tesb:stop-demo-all and restart them after adapting the configuration. There are configuration scripts simplifying this task.

For more information on how to start and stop and how to configure each of the infrastructure services, see Starting and stopping Talend ESB infrastructure services and Infrastructure Services configuration for the service and the client.

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