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Allowing HTTPS connections

Talend Studio generates a microservice artifact jar file that contains a properties file. To allow HTTPS connections, you must create your own file, edit it and configure the Data Service Runner to deploy it.


  1. Before creating a custom properties file, create, and configure the keystore:
    1. Go to Java installation directory/etc/bin.
    2. From the bin directory, execute the following command:
      keytool -genkeypair -alias dsrunner -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore dsrunner.p12 -validity 3650
    3. In the First name and Last name fields, enter the host name. As the host name may be used as a validation field for the HTTPS connection, it is recommended to enter it.
    4. When you do not want to modify a field, press Return.
    5. Import the certificate in the Java Run Environment keystore by executing the following command lines:
      • keytool -export -keystore dsrunner.p12 -alias dsrunner -file dsrunner.crt
      • keytool -importcert -file dsrunner.crt -alias dsrunner -keystore %JAVA_HOME%/lib/security/cacerts
    The keystore is created and configured.
  2. Create a custom file.
  3. Save it in a directory that the Talend Remote Engine can access.
  4. Rename it.
    You have two files for microservices: the original one and the one you have just created.
  5. In the custom properties file, define the following command lines:
    For example:
    The microservice will only allow HTTPS connections that have the three following parameters:
    • PKCS12 for the keystore type.
    • Password_1234 for the password.
    • dsrunner for the key alias.

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