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Apache Pulsar properties

Pulsar connection

Select Pulsar in the list and configure the connection.


Select your engine from the list and set the main and advanced settings.

Main settings
Property Configuration
URL for Pulsar broker Enter the URL address of your Pulsar broker.

The expected format is the following: pulsar:<host>::<port>

Use SSL encryption Toggle this option ON to enable the SSL encrypted connection.
Authentication Select the way you want to authenticate to your Pulsar broker: either None if you do not require credentials to connect to the broker, or Basic if you need to provide user and password information.
Advanced settings
Property Configuration
Connection timeout Sets the maximum number of seconds that a user will wait for a connection to be available. If this time is exceeded and the connection is still unavailable, an exception is thrown.

After configuring the connection, give it a display name (mandatory) and a description (optional).

Apache Pulsar dataset

Dataset configuration
Property Configuration
Dataset name Enter a display name for the dataset. This name will be used as a unique identifier of the dataset in all Talend Cloud apps.
Connection Select your connection in the list. If you are creating a dataset based on an existing connection, this field is read-only.
Main settings
Property Configuration
Message topic Enter the name of the topic (file) to be retrieved.
Consumer name Enter the name of the consumer of your Apache Pulsar message.
Subscription name Enter the identifier of your Apache Pulsar subscription.
Content type format Select in the list the format of the data to be retrieved:
  • CSV: If you select this format, you need to indicate the type of line separator, encoding type and field delimiter used in the file.
    Information noteNote: Space
  • Avro: No specific parameters required for this format.
  • JSON: If you select this format, you need to enter the pointer to the JSON data to be retrieved.
  • Raw: No specific parameters required for this format.

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