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Editing the published semantic type using the API

You need to create a sandbox for the semantic type you want to edit.


  1. If you do not have a personal access token yet, generate one. For further information, see Generating a Personal Access Token.
  2. Open Talend API Tester in your browser.
  3. From the Repository tab, select Put in the Method drop-down list.
  4. Enter the following URL: https://tds.{region}{{categoryID}}/sandbox/

    You'll find a list of the URLs to use for each data center in Talend Cloud regions and URLs.

    {{categoryID}} is the identifier returned when you created the semantic type, for example: 5f80848e51b6b16703a4318d.

  5. Click the Add header button and enter Authorization in the name field and Bearer followed by a whitespace and your token in the value field.
  6. Click the Add header button and enter Cookie in the name field, then leave the value field empty.
  7. Click Send.


The API returns a 200 HTTP code to inform you that the request was successful.

The response includes the semantic type details in JSON format, with a state field with the value SANDBOX.

    "id": "5f80848e51b6b16703a4318d",
    "label": "Codice Fiscale (created via API)",
    "type": "REGEX",
    "creator": "6be3b335-05c9-4a3b-92d6-c5821f398bac",
    "createdAt": 1602258062631,
    "regEx": {
        "mainCategory": "AlphaNumeric",
        "validator": {
            "patternString": "^[A-Z]{6}[0-9]{2}[A-Z][0-9]{2}[A-Z][0-9]{3}[A-Z]$",
            "caseInsensitive": true,
            "re2jCompliant": true,
            "generexCompliant": true
    "modifiedAt": 1602262635946,
    "lastModifier": "6be3b335-05c9-4a3b-92d6-c5821f398bac",
    "completeness": false,
    "publishedAt": 1602261762924,
    "lastPublisher": "6be3b335-05c9-4a3b-92d6-c5821f398bac",
    "state": "SANDBOX"

What to do next

After making changes, you need to save your semantic type as a draft and publish it.

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