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Launch a new EC2 instance


  1. In Choose AMI, select Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09.0 64-bit for example.
  2. In Choose the Instance Type, t2.medium is a good fit.
  3. In Configure Instance, use the following information:
    Field Value
    Number of Instances 1
    Network Choose Talend VPC.
    Subnet Choose Public subnet eu-west-1a Talend ESB.

    For the moment, we launch one instance in only one subnet.

    Auto-assign Public IP Select Enable.

    We will use the public IP to ssh into the instance for further configuration

    Leave all other fields as default.
  4. In Add Storage, use the following value then click Next: Add Tags:
    • Size = 32 GiB
  5. In Add Tags, add a name tag with Talend ESB - Template - eu-west-1-a for example, and any other relevant tag for you.
  6. In Configure Security Group:
    • Select Create a new Security Group.
    • Security group nameTalend - ESB Security Group.
    • Rules: Add the rules as per the screenshot below.
      • The SSH rule on port 22 allows ssh sessions on the instance for management purposes. AWS Best practices would recommend to only open this port to your IP or corporate directory range of IPs.
      • The Custom TCP Rule on port 8040 allows connections only from the Load Balancer. sg-f41e8992 is the security group name of the AWS Load Balancer we created previously. You may choose secure transmissions (HTTPs or TLS) for enhanced security. These are part of AWS Best Practices. 

    Click Review and Launch.

  7. Review your Instance configuration then click Launch.
  8. Select your existing key pair or create a new one. Then click Launch Instances.
    For more information on AWS Key pair, please refer to AWS documentation at

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