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Activating user authentication for file upload

Before you begin

  • Download and apply the R2022-09 monthly update patch on Talend Administration Center and Talend Studio.
    • For further information about applying a monthly patch for Talend Studio, see Updating Studio.
    • For further information about how to update Talend Administration Center, see Checking for updates.
    If this is the first time you apply a patch, learn about the best practice by following this procedure.
  • Download and apply the following patches on each Talend JobServer or ESB Runtime.

    For information about how to obtain the patches, reach out to your Support contact of Talend with the patch numbers above.

  • Global protection for authentication to Talend JobServer or Talend Runtime must have been activated by following this procedure.

Backward compatibility: Any old configuration for Talend Studio, Talend Administration Center and Talend JobServer or Talend Runtime should work after these patches.


  1. Stop Talend Studio and enable this feature in Talend Studio.
    Open the <Studio_installation>/Talend-Studio-*.ini file, add the following line:
  2. Stop Talend Administration Center and enable this feature in it.
    Open the TAC_installation/apache-tomcat/bin/ or the TAC_installation/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.bat file, add the following system property to the JAVA_OPTS variable.
    This should make the JAVA_OPTS line look like:
    export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx4096m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dorg.talend.remote.jobserver.client.old=false"
  3. Restart Talend Studio and Talend Administration Center.

    Some exceptions happen at server side, because Talend Studio and Talend Administration Center now fail to find the new protocol and then fall back to use the old one. Despite this, all Jobs run as expected.

  4. Stop your Talend JobServer or Talend Runtime and enable this feature on this server side.
    • For Talend JobServer, open the <JobServer_installation>/conf/ file to add the following line:
    • For ESB Runtime, open the <Runtime_installation>/etc/org.talend.remote.jobserver.server.cfg file to add the following line:
    This configuration is subject to changes along with the evolution of the related cumulative patches. Check their corresponding documentation pages for latest information:
  5. Restart your Talend JobServer or Talend Runtime.

    Once done and after around one hour, all clients, that is to say, Talend Studio and Talend Administration Center start to recognize the change to use the new user authentication for file uploading.

    Note that if you have excluded some Talend JobServer or Talend Runtime instances from applying the new patches, these instances can still work but are not protected by this authentication. As a consequence, in the end of each hour, an exception is returned because the clients keep checking the new protocol but failing to find them, although your Jobs can still run successfully.

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