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Mapping the Adapter Instance


  1. On the SP Connection | Browser SSO | Assertion Creation | IdP Adapter Mapping page, navigate to the Adapter Instance tab.
  2. Verify that the Adapter Contract lists the following attributes from Active Directory: first name, last name, and Active Directory login.
    Adapter Instance tab.
  3. Click Next to open the Mapping Method tab.
  4. Keep the default configuration and click Next.
  5. On the Attribute Contract Fulfillment tab, map the attributes to values from the authentication adapter as shown in the screenshot, then click Next.

    The value of the TalendCloudDomainName attribute corresponds to your Talend Cloud domain name. You can find the domain name in the Domain field of the Subscription page of your Talend Management Console.

    In this example, the attribute contract SAML_subject has the source Adapter and the value username. TalendCloudDomainName has the source Text and the value support_talend_df_eu. email has the source Adapter and the value username. family_name has the source Adapter and the value sn. given_name has the source Adapter and the value givenName.
  6. On the Issuance Criteria tab, click Next.
  7. Verify the information on the Summary tab and click Done.

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