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Talend Data Catalog 8.1

New Or Improved API Methods

The following API methods were added or improved with Talend Data Catalog 8.1.

New or improved API methods



POST /dataModel/entityRelationship

Data Model

A new API function to allow the user to create an Entity Relationship between two classifiers.

DELETE /dataModel/entityRelationship

Data Model

A new API function to allow the user to delete an Entity Relationship between two classifiers.

POST /repository/dashboard/import


A new API function to allow the user to import the dashboard JSON definition from a file.

POST /repository/dashboard/export


A new API function to allow the user to export the JSON definition of a dashboard to a file.

POST /semanticMapping/semanticLink

Semantic Mapping

A new API function to allow the user to create a new semantic link between two objects.

DELETE /semanticMapping/semanticLink

Semantic Mapping

A new API function to allow the user to delete a semantic link between two objects.

POST /entities/getAttributeValueCounts


New parameter "dateRangeGap": Allow the user to specify a range gap (YEAR, MONTH, DAY or HOUR) for faceting if the attribute is of the date or datetime data type.

GET /entities/{objectId}

GET /entities/validateMQLQuery

GET /entities/countMQLQuery

GET /relationships/{objectId}

GET /relationships/count/{objectId}


New parameter "mqlVersion": The MQL version. The current MQL version is 3. Specify a number less than 3 if you want to use deprecated syntax and/or MQL system attributes.

POST /entities/executeMQLQuery

POST /entities/getAttributeValueCounts


New property "mqlVersion" of Request body: The MQL version. The current MQL version is 3. Specify a number less than 3 if you want to use deprecated syntax and/or MQL system attributes.

POST /entities/executeMQLQuery


New property "namingStandard" of Request body: The name of a naming standard to provide synonyms used in search.

POST /entities/upgradeMQLQuery


Upgrade the Request body to the latest MQL syntax

POST /License/updateLicense


Update license

POST /repository/model/export


New parameter "exportDataProfilingAndSampling"

DELETE /admin/users


New parameter "newOwner" to allow the ownership of customizations to be transferred when a user is being deleted.

For more information about the MQL version, please refer to Metadata Query Language (MQL).

Deprecated API Methods, Parameters or Schemas

Deprecated API methods, parameters or schemas do not require any action before upgrading to Talend Data Catalog 8.1. They will continue to work as normal in Talend Data Catalog 8.1. We plan to remove them in the next major release of Talend Data Catalog.

Deprecation of API methods, parameters, or schemas


More information

POST /repository/semanticMapping/exportCSV

POST /repository/model/export

Consolidate the import/export APIs

POST /repository/semanticMapping/importCSV

POST /repository/model/import

Consolidate the import/export APIs

POST /operations/glossary/exportAndDownloadCSV

POST /repository/model/export

Consolidate the import/export APIs

PUT /entities/glossary/classify

POST /semanticMapping/semanticLink

Improve mapped data documentation

PUT /entities/glossary/unclassify

DELETE /semanticMapping/semanticLink

Improve mapped data documentation

POST /repository/createRelationship

POST /dataModel/entityRelationship

New relationships as object types

The scope parameter or field of the request body of:

GET /entities/validateMQLQuery

POST /entities/executeMQLQuery

GET /entities/countMQLQuery

POST /entities/getAttributeValueCounts

Model =WHERE (…) filter in the WHERE clause

MQL normalization

Removed API Methods, Parameters or Schemas

The following table lists API methods removed with Talend Data Catalog 8.1 and the recommended methods to replace them. Please ensure your applications do not use any of these methods before upgrading to Talend Data Catalog 8.1.

Removal of API methods, parameters, or schemas


More information

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