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Third-Party software (drivers) internet download

Some bridges requiring internet access to (and exceptionally a few other tool sites) in order to download the necessary third-party software drivers into $HOME/data/download/MIMB/ (such directory can be copied from another MIMB server with internet access).

The bridges requiring internet to download third-party software drivers are annotated with a Download icon on the published supported tools at: Supported Tools.

Within that context, here are the known limitations:

  • On Windows server 2016 (or newer), a message "Cannot execute hadoop.dll" can appear in the following bridges:
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 Storage (Import)
  • Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS Java API) (Import)
  • Apache Kafka (Import)
  • Excel File (XLSX) (Import)
  • File System (CSV, Excel, XML, JSON, Avro, Parquet, ORC, COBOL Copybook) (Import)
  • Flat File (CSV or Excel) - Beta Bridge (Import)
  • Metadata Excel Format (Export)
  • Metadata Excel Format (Import)
  • Microsoft Azure Blob Storage (Import)
  • Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage (Import)
  • OpenStack Swift Object Store - New Beta Bridge (Import)
  • Oracle Cloud Object Storage Classic - New Beta Bridge (Import)

That is because the official hadoop.dll downloaded from the Maven repository has a dependency to the old Windows onmsvcr100.dll no longer delivered with the new Windows 2016 Server. The solution is add the missing C runtime msvcr100.dll.of by adding the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update.

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