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Updating users' permissions on multiple workspaces

The workspaces may belong to different environments.

Before you begin

  • You must have Environment Administrator role in Talend Management Console.
  • You must know the IDs of the workspaces and users for which your are setting the permissions.

About this task

You can access the Management Console API via this link. You'll find a list of the URLs corresponding to each data center in Talend Cloud regions and URLs.


  1. Use the GET /orchestration/workspaces endpoint to retrieve the IDs of the appropriate workspaces.
    You can narrow the search to a single environment by using the{environmentName} query parameter.


  2. Copy the appropriate workspace IDs from the response body.
  3. In the User Management API, use the GET /account/users endpoint to retrieve the user IDs.
    You can narrow the search to a single environment or workspace by using the environment_id or workspace_id query parameters.


  4. Copy the appropriate user IDs from the response body.
  5. Use the POST (if the workspace is new) or PUT (if the workspace already has permissions) /orchestration/permissions/batch endpoint to assign permissions to the users of the workspace.
    Paste the copied information to the body of the request (workspace and user IDs).


         "workspaceId": "5c9212a48c320343cbb5fc4b",
    "userId": "e8f79686-821b-491e-b796-86821b491eb2",
            "permissions": [
              "workspaceId": "9d9212a67c320343chh5fc7l",
          "userId": "e8f79686-821b-491e-b796-86821b491eb2",
            "permissions": [
             "workspaceId": "9d9212a67c320343chh5fc7l",
          "userId": "3b7f0e11-4e93-4587-95b2-1ae6292fbb5b",
            "permissions": [
  6. To validate that permissions are set correctly, use the GET /security/permissions endpoint with the workspaceID query parameter for each workspace.
    If the modified workspaces belong to the same environment, you can use the environmentID parameter to retrieve all workspaces and their permission at the same time.



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