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Configuring the Iceberg Job

For the purpose of this scenario, you need to create a Standard Job containing several subJobs. Each subJob is used to perform a different action.

About this task

The Standard Job is running on CDP 7.2 Public Cloud with Hive 3.3.x.


  1. Create a new Standard Job and add the following components:
    • tIcebergClose
    • tIcebergConnection
    • five tIcebergInput
    • tIcebergMerge
    • three tIcebergRow
    • four tIcebergTable
    • five tLogRow
    • tPostJob
    • tPreJob
  2. Create the Connecting PreJob:
    Connecting PreJob.
  3. Create the Converting subJob:
    Converting subJob.
  4. Create the Reading subJob:
    Reading subJob.
  5. Create the Updating subJob:
    Updating subJob.
  6. Create the Merging subJob:
    Merging subJob.
  7. Create the Closing PostJob:
    Closing PostJob

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