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CA COOL:Xtras Mapper (TerrainMap for DB2) - Import

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor CA technologies
Tool Name COOL:Xtras Mapper
Tool Version 5.3.2
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing) via VAR Export File
Data Profiling
Incremental Harvesting
Multi-Model Harvesting
Remote Repository Browsing for Model Selection

Tool: CA technologies / COOL:Xtras Mapper version 5.3.2 via VAR Export File
Metadata: [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing)
Component: CaTerrainMap version 11.2.0

This metadata bridge is a model integrator that takes as input:

- a logical data model from a COOL:BusinessTeam VAR file and

- a physical data model from a COOL:DBA VAR file and integrates them to produces a logical and physical data model.

To use this bridge, you should supply the full path to the logical COOL:BusinessTeam VAR file to the bridge option named 'Groundworks file' and the full path to the physical COOL:DBA VAR file into the usual 'From' field.


When a model is currently loaded in Sterling Software COOL:DBA (Cayenne Terrain for DB2):

1. Choose 'Export' from the 'File' menu.
2. Type the file name for the model you are saving in the 'File Name' text box (browse to select a specific directory).
3. Click 'Save'.

Some versions of the Terrain design tool, such as Sterling COOL:DBA 2.1.6, may offer the choice between multiple VAR export format flavors:
- The 'Terrain for DB2 5.3 format' flavor is supported by this bridge
- The 'Terrain for DB2 5.4 format' flavor is supported by this bridge
- The 'COOL:DBA 2.1 format' flavor is supported by this bridge
- The 'COOL:DBA 2.x Full Meta Format' flavor is not supported by this bridge


Q: How does this bridge work?
A: The TerrainMap utility, delivered with the COOL:DBA tool, allows to generate COOL:DBA physical data models from COOL:BusinessTeam logical data models. This bridge uses the information generated by TerrainMap (MAPSYSMAP) in the COOL:DBA VAR file to merge each physical object with its corresponding logical object in the logical model.

Q: What is the recommended Terrain VAR format flavor?
A: We know the choice of a Terrain VAR format flavor has an impact on how the mapping and traceability information between a logical model and a physical model is encoded and saved in the file. The TerrainMap integrator bridge allows to use this mapping information to integrate a logical model and a physical model. In order to do that, make sure to choose one supported format flavor, and set the option labelled 'Mapping encoding version' to the appropriate value:

- Terrain for DB2 5.3: This one applies if you saved your Terrain model using the export flavor 'Terrain for DB2 5.3'
- Terrain for DB2 5.4: This one applies if you saved your Terrain model using the export flavors 'Terrain for DB2 5.4' or 'COOL:DBA 2.1'

Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
Groundworks file Enter here the full path to the Groundworks VAR file to import and merge with the current Terrain model. FILE *.var   Mandatory
Terrain file Enter here the full path to the Terrain VAR file to import and merge with the current Groundworks model. FILE *.var   Mandatory
Mapping encoding version This option allows you to select which algorithm must be used to decode the mapping information between the physical model and the logical model. The encoding of this mapping information in the Terrain VAR file depends on the version of the tools used to design the model, but cannot be detected automatically. When using COOL:DBA 2.1.6, four VAR export format flavors are available:

- Terrain for DB2 5.3 > use option value 'Terrain for DB2 5.3'.
- Terrain for DB2 5.4 > use option value 'Terrain for DB2 5.4'.
- COOL:DBA 2.1 > use option value 'Terrain for DB2 5.4'.
- COOL:DBA 2.x full meta format > this format is not supported.
Terrain for DB2 5.3
Terrain for DB2 5.4
Terrain for DB2 5.3  
Tables merge logging level Use this option to customize the amount of information to be reported during the merge process and allows to define which messages to display when merging a table with an equivalent logical entity:

'Not merged'
Only display a message for tables which could not be merged.

Only display a message for tables which could be merged with an entity.

Display a message for all tables.

Do not display any information on how tables were merged.
Not merged
Not merged  
Candidate Keys merge logging level Use this option to customize the amount of information to be reported during the merge process and allows to define which messages to display when merging a physical candidate key with an equivalent logical candidate key:

'Not merged'
Only display a message for candidate keys which could not be merged.

Only display a message for candidate keys which could be merged.

Display a message for all candidate keys.

Do not display any information on how candidate keys were merged.
Not merged
Not merged  
Foreign Keys merge logging level Use this option to customize the amount of information to be reported during the merge process and allows to define which messages to display when merging a physical Foreign key with an equivalent logical Foreign key:

'Not merged'
Only display a message for foreign keys which could not be merged.

Only display a message for Foreign keys which could be merged.

Display a message for all Foreign keys.

Do not display any information on how Foreign keys were merged.
Not merged
Not merged  
Duplicate Attributes on Generalizations Determine whether Attributes should be duplicated through Generalizations.

Yes, all attributes are copied from the parent Class to the subtype Class.

No. Only the primary key Attributes are migrated.
BOOLEAN   False  
CREATE VIEW fix This option adds an extra ';' at the end of the 'CREATE VIEW' SQL statement.
This is a workaround for some of our customers and should not be changed unless you know for certain that you need it.
BOOLEAN   False  
Encoding The character set encoding of the model to be imported.

If there are multiple choices for a language, the actual encoding will be indicated between parentheses.
Central and Eastern European (ISO-8859-2)
Central and Eastern European (Windows-1250)
Chinese Traditional (Big5)
Chinese Simplified (GB18030)
Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)
Cyrillic (Windows-1251)
DOS (IBM-850)
Greek (ISO-8859-7)
Greek (Windows-1253)
Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)
Hebrew (Windows-1255)
Japanese (Shift_JIS)
Korean (KS_C_5601-1987)
Thai (TIS620)
Thai (Windows-874)
Turkish (ISO-8859-9)
Turkish (Windows-1254)
UTF 8 (UTF-8)
UTF 16 (UTF-16)
Western European (ISO-8859-1)
Western European (ISO-8859-15)
Western European (Windows-1252)
Locale encoding
No encoding conversion


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"CA COOL:Xtras Mapper (TerrainMap for DB2)"
Mapping Comments
Association Partnership  
Aggregation   Based on attributes belonging both to a primary key and a foreign key associated with the association
AssociationRole Partnership Set  
Description Description  
Multiplicity Minimun/Maximun Volumes  
Name Name  
Source   Based on the multiplicity
AssociationRoleNameMap   When migrated attributes have a different name
Attribute Attribute  
Description Description  
Name Name  
Optional Nulls Allowed  
Position Order  
BaseType Domain Created as side effect of Derived Type creation
DataType Datatype See datatype conversion array
Name Datatype Standard name based on the type
PhysicalName Datatype Standard name based on the type
CandidateKey Key  
Description Description  
Name Name  
UniqueKey   Only for primary key
Class Entity  
CppClassType   Set to ENTITY
CppPersistent   Set to True
Description Description  
Name Name  
ClassDiagram Filter, Keyword Diagrams based on Filters and Keywords are imported
Name Filter name  
DerivedType Domain  
DataType Datatype See datatype conversion array
Description Description  
Length Length/Precision  
LowerBound Numeric Range (Maximum)  
Name Name  
Scale Scale  
UpperBound Numeric Range (Minimum)  
UserDefined   Always True
DesignPackage   No equivalent in GroundWorks. A main package "Logical View" is created to contain all entities/partnerships
ForeignKey Foreign Key  
Name Name  
Generalization Entity (supertype)  
GeneralizationRole Entity (supertype)  
Index Keys, Foreign Keys Associated with each key
Name Name  
IndexMember   Associated with each attribute in a key
Position   Order in the file
Note Notes  
Projection Diagram Object Projection Graphical Information
BackgroundColor background color  
Bold   ignored
FontColor font color  
FontName font  
FontSize   ignored
Height height  
Italic   ignored
LineColor line color  
Strike   ignored
Underline   ignored
Width width  
X x  
Y y  
StoreModel GroundWorks project  
Name Name  
Synonym Entity Synonym  
Name Name  

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