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IBM Rational Rose 7.x (2000e and newer) - Export

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor IBM
Tool Name Rational Rose
Tool Version 7.x (2000e and newer)
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams, Physical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout via MDL File

Tool: IBM / Rational Rose version 7.x (2000e and newer) via MDL File
Metadata: [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams, Physical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout
Component: IbmRationalRoseDm version 11.2.0

This bridge generates a IBM Rose Data Model file.



Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
File Generates a Rational Rose native MDL file. To load the converted model:

1. 'Open' from the 'File' menu of Rational Rose Data Modeler.
2. Navigate to the file you want to open.
3. Select the Class diagram you want to display.
4. Choose 'Layout Diagram' from the 'Format' menu.
5. Choose 'Autosize all' from the 'Format' menu.
FILE *.mdl   Mandatory
Select object model data types Import attribute or argument types:

'Rose C++'

'Rose Java'

'Rose Data Modeler'
Rose C++
Rose Java
Rose Data Modeler
Rose Data Modeler  
Select object and/or data models Specify if the imported model will contain:

'Object model only'

'Data model only'

'Object model and data model'
Object model and data model
Data model only
Object model only
Object model and data model  
Select data model target database The target database that will be used for the data model.

'Auto detect'
Auto-detect the target database from the originating model.
Auto detect
IBM DB2 5.x
IBM DB2 6.x
IBM DB2 OS390 5.x
IBM DB2 OS390 6.x
Microsoft SQL Server 6.x
Microsoft SQL Server 7.x
Oracle 7.x
Oracle 8.x
Sybase Adaptive Server 12.x
Auto detect  
Export Foreign key attributes Export Foreign key attributes:


The Foreign key attribute will not be created.
BOOLEAN   False  
Generate Qualifiers (for object model only) Generate qualifier to represent Foreign key attributes.

Superseeds the 'Export Foreign key attributes' option.

BOOLEAN   False  
Show constraint in diagram Show Association and Association Role constraints in diagram. BOOLEAN   False  
Use graphical information Use the graphical information when available to display the classes. BOOLEAN   True  
X Scale (in %) for object model diagram When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions.

Controls the horizontal scaling (by percentage) applied to X coordinates in diagrams.

The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size.
NUMERIC   100  
Y Scale (in %) for object model diagram When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions.

Controls the vertical scaling (by percentage) applied to Y coordinates in diagrams.

The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size.
NUMERIC   100  
X Scale (in %) for data model diagram When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions.

Controls the horizontal scaling (by percentage) applied to X coordinates in diagrams.

The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size.
NUMERIC   100  
Y Scale (in %) for data model diagram When graphical information is imported from another tool, it may be useful to adjust the scale of diagrams to better suit the destination tool diagramming conventions.

Controls the vertical scaling (by percentage) applied to Y coordinates in diagrams.

The default value is 100% (i.e no change), 200% doubles the size, 50% halves the size.
NUMERIC   100  
XML Indentation (pretty printing) Controls the pretty printing of XML, for the purpose of opening the generated file in a text editor. E.g.

'space characters'
Several space characters as indentation.

'tab key'
Tab character as indentation.

No indentation which leads to a more compact file.
BOOLEAN   True  
Export graphical information By default, this bridge will create graphical information for all the objects.
When exporting large models, in order to reduce the size of the generated model do not export the graphical information.
BOOLEAN   True  


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"IBM Rational Rose 7.x (2000e and newer)"
Mapping Comments
Name Name  
Argument Parameter Parameters of Stored Procedures are mapped
DefaultValue Default Value  
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Kind Direction  
Name Name  
Position Ordinal  
Association Relationship n-ary associations are not mapped. `many to many' associations are not mapped.
Aggregation Type Identifying/Non-Identifying
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Name  
Stereotype Stereotype  
AssociationRole Relationship  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
ExtraConstraint Referential IntegrityConstraint  
Multiplicity Cardinality  
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Parent/Child Role  
Source Parent/Child  
Attribute Column, Check Constraint  
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
ExtraConstraint Check Constraint Check Constraint on Table
InitialValue Default Value  
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
Optional Not Null  
PhysicalName Name  
Position Ordinal  
BaseType Column, Check Constraint  
DataType Datatype See datatype conversion array
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Length Length/Precision  
Scale Scale  
CandidateKey Key Constraint  
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Name  
UniqueKey Type "Unique Constraint" if true, "Index" otherwise
Class Table  
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Name  
ClassDiagram Data Model Diagram  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name Name  
DatabaseSchema Schema All Model Elements are exported in their respective Schema. If they do not have a Schema, they are exported in a default Schema.
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name Name  
PhysicalName   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
DerivedType Domain, Column, Check Constraint The hierarchy of type is not reproduced
Comment Comment  
DataType Datatype See datatype conversion array
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
InitialValue Default Value  
Length Length/Precision  
LowerBound Check Constraint BETWEEN or >= statement
Name Domain Name  
Scale Scale  
UpperBound Check Constraint BETWEEN or <= statement
UserDefined   mapped to Domain if true, mapped to attribute properties otherwise
DesignPackage   A main package "Logical View" is created if it doesn't exist.
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
ForeignKey Key Constraint Type is set to "Foreign Key Constraint"
Comment Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Name  
Index Key Constraint If connected to a Key
Clustered Clustered  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
IndexMember Key Constraint  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Position   Order in the file
Projection ClassView Graphical information
BackgroundColor fill color  
FontColor font color  
FontName font  
FontSize font size  
Height height  
Width width  
X x  
Y y  
PropertyElementTypeScope Type Type of a Model Property
Scope Type  
PropertyType Model Property  
Description   Not used
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Group   Not used
Name Name  
PhysicalName   Not used
Position   Order in the file
Usage   Not used
RelationshipProjection AssociationView Graphical information
LineColor line color  
LinePoints Vertices  
X x  
Y y  
SQLViewAssociation Dependancy  
Description Documentation  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
PhysicalName Name  
SQLViewAttribute Attribute  
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Expression Type  
PhysicalName Name  
Position   Order in the file
SQLViewEntity Class Stereotype is set to "View"
Description Documentation  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Name  
WhereClause SelectClause Generated if it not a "CREATE VIEW" statement
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name Name  
StoredProcedure Stored Procedure  
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Name  
Semantics Action Body  
Trigger Trigger  
Description Comment  
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
FireOnDelete Trigger Event  
FireOnInsert Trigger Event  
FireOnUpdate Trigger Event  
Name   Not mapped unless Physical name is empty
PhysicalName Name  
Semantics Action Body  
TriggerType Trigger Type  
TypeValue Check Constraint The check constraint is applied to the Table
DesignLevel   No equivalent for Logical Only objects in the schema.
Position   Order in the IN statement
Value Value Value of each field in the IN statement

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