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OMG CWM 1.x XMI 1.x - Export

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor Object Management Group
Tool Name Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) XMI
Tool Version 1.0 to 1.1
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Metadata Management] Metadata Repository, Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams, Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model) via CWM XMI File

Tool: Object Management Group / Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) XMI version 1.0 to 1.1 via CWM XMI File
Metadata: [Metadata Management] Metadata Repository, Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams, Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model)
Component: OmgCwmXmi version 11.2.0

Generates an XML file compliant to the Object Management Group (OMG) Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) file format. There are multiple versions of the CWM metamodel and XMI format, therefore make sure you generate the appropriate OMG CWM XMI version for your target tool.

For instructions on how to Import the generated UML XMI file, please select the exact bridge (with the tool name) from the list of bridges rather than using this generic bridge.

Q: Which version of CMW file is supported by my tool?
A: Contact the vendor to obtain the exact version of their supported CWM metamodel and XMI format. You can also check out the OMG web site for more details of their valid combinations of metamodels and XMI formats.

Q: Exporting to IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager v8
A: Contact the vendor to obtain the exact version of their supported CWM metamodel and XMI format. You can also check out the OMG web site for more details of their valid combinations of metamodels and XMI formats.

Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
File Generates an XML file compliant to the Object Management Group (OMG) Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) file format. FILE
Model The target model type:

Export the logical model only as an instance of the metamodel for the CWM Object resource package (e.g. an entity/table is an instance of CWM: Class with the logical/business name as name). Note: the CWM Object Metamodel a subset of the UML Class Diagram Metamodel.

Export the physical model only as an instance of the metamodel for the CWM 'Relational' resource package (e.g. an entity/table is an instance of CWMRDB: Table with the physical table name as name.

'UML and RDB'
Export both logical and physical models as separate instances of the metamodels for CWM Object and Relational resource packages respectively. Note that no dependency relationships are established between both logical and physical models.

Export your model as OLAP only model. Use when exporting to OLAP objects to Oracle OWB.
CWM version The CWM version to write in the header when generating the file. ENUMERATED
CWM 1.0
CWM 1.1
CWM 1.0  
Schema mapping How to export a Table when it is not connected to any MIRSchema:

'Use Packages names'
Create a CWM's RDBMS Schema for the Package the Table belongs to.

'Use default name'
Create only one default RDBMS: Schema and put all the tables that are not connected to a MIRSchema in it. Use the option 'Default Schema name' to specify the name of this the default Schema.
Use Packages names
Use default name
Use Packages names  
Default Schema name The name to use for the default RDBMS schema. This option is ignored if 'Schema mapping' is not set to 'Use default name'. STRING      
Export Index of Key Determines whether to export the Index associated to a Primary Key or a Foreign Key:

Export the Index.

Don't export the associated Index.
BOOLEAN   True  
UUIDs Determines whether to export the object's 'Universally Unique Identifier' when known. The UUIDs of the source model may not be compatible with the target tool:

Export the UUIDs.

Don't export the necessary tags.
BOOLEAN   False  
xmlns:CWM There is currently no standard for URIs. This option allows you to change the URI for the CWM namespace if the destination tool expects a special URI that is different from the default URI. STRING   org.omg.CWM1.0  
xmlns:CWMRDB There is currently no standard for the URIs. This option allows you to change the URI for the CWMRDB namespace if the destination tool expects a special URI that is different from the default URI. STRING   org.omg.CWM1.0/Relational  
xmlns:CWMOLAP There is currently no standard for URIs. This option allows you to change the URI for the CWM namespace if the destination tool expects a special URI that is different from the default URI. STRING   org.omg.CWM1.0/OLAP  
xmlns:CWMTFM There is currently no standard for the URIs. This allows you to change the URI for the CWMRDB namespace if the destination tool expects a special URI that is different from the default URI. STRING   org.omg.CWM1.0/Transformation  
Verbosity How verbose is the output.

Normal verbosity.

Additional information is printed in the log.
BOOLEAN   True  
XML Indentation (pretty printing) Controls the pretty printing of XML, for the purpose of opening the generated file in a text editor. E.g.

'space characters'
Several space characters as indentation.

'tab key'
Tab character as indentation.

No indentation which leads to a more compact file
Print DTD reference Some XML viewers, like Microsoft IE, refuse to display an XML file if it includes a reference to a DTD file that is missing. This bridge normally does not provide the 'cwm.dtd' file. If you need the DTD file please find and copy it to the same directory where the XML file is.

Print a DTD reference to 'cwm.dtd'.

BOOLEAN   True  


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"OMG CWM 1.x XMI 1.x"
Mapping Comments
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
Argument UML:Parameter  
DefaultValue defaultValue  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Kind kind  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Position   Order in the CWMRDB file
AssociationRole CWMRDB:ForeignKey  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
ExtraConstraint deleteRule, updateRule  
PhysicalName name  
Source   Source Association roles are not mapped
AssociationRoleNameMap   Order in the CWM RDB file
Attribute CWMRDB:Column  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
ExtraConstraint CWMRDB:CheckConstraint The constraint is associated to the BaseClass
InitialValue UML:Attribute.initialValue  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
Optional isNullable  
PhysicalName name  
Position   Order in CWM RDB file
BaseType CWMRDB:SQLSimpleType  
DataType typeNumber See the DataType Mapping section.
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Length characterMaximumLength, numericPrecision, dateTimePrecision Also saved as a property of the Column
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Scale numericScale Also saved as a property of the Column
CandidateKey CWMRDB:UniqueConstraint,CWMRDB:PrimaryKey  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
UniqueKey   Non unique keys are not exported
Class CWMRDB:BaseTable  
CppPersistent isTemporary  
CppScope visibility  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
ClassifierMap CWMTFM:ClassifierMap  
Description functionDescription  
Operation function  
Cube CWMOLAP:Cube One CubeRegion per Cube only
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name  
PhysicalName name  
CubeDimensionAssociation CWMOLAP:CubeDimensionAssociation  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
PhysicalName name  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name  
PhysicalName name  
DerivedType CWMRDB:SimpleType,CWMRDB:DistinctType The hierarchy of types is not reproduced. See BaseType mapping for the mapping of Derived types to Simple types
DataType typeNumber See the DataType Mapping section.
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
InitialValue initialValue Saved as a property of the Column
Length length, precision Also saved as a property of the Column
Name   If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Scale scale Also saved as a property of the Column
UserDefined   Generate a DistinctType if the property is set to true.
DesignPackage CWMRDB:Schema  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Dimension CWMOLAP:Dimension  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name  
PhysicalName name  
Type isTime or isMeasure  
UserDefined   Create the object only if the flag is set to "true"
DimensionAttribute CWMOLAP:MemberSelection  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name  
PhysicalName name  
FeatureMap CWMTFM:FeatureMap  
Description functionDescription  
Name name  
Operation function  
ForeignKey CWMRDB:ForeignKey  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Hierarchy CWMOLAP:Hierarchy  
Description UML:ModelElement.taggedValue Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description
Name name  
PhysicalName / name  
HierarchyLevelAssociation CWMOLAP:HierarchyLevelAssociation  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
PhysicalName name  
Position   Order in the file
Index CWMRDB:SQLIndex  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Unique isUnique If the index is associated to a candidated key
IndexMember CWMRDB:SQLIndexColumn  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Position   Order in the CWM RDB file
SortOrder isAscending  
Level CWMOLAP:Level  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name  
PhysicalName name  
LevelAttribute CWM:Attribute  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name  
PhysicalName name  
LevelKey CWM:UniqueKey  
Name name  
Measure CWMOLAP:Measure  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name  
PhysicalName name  
SQLViewAttribute CWMRDB:Column  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Position   Order in CWM RDB file
SQLViewEntity CWMRDB:View  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
WhereClause CWMRDB:View.queryExpression  
StoreModel CWMRDB:Catalog If there are several catalogs in the file, they are saved as Packages
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
StoredProcedure CWMRDB:StoredProcedure  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Semantics body  
Trigger CWMRDB:Trigger  
Description 'documentation' tagged value  
FireOnDelete eventManipulation  
FireOnInsert eventManipulation  
FireOnUpdate eventManipulation  
Name name If 'physicalName' is not set
PhysicalName name  
Semantics actionStatement  
TriggerType conditionTiming  

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